引用本文:王志斌,黄 超,王 龙※.基于改进 AHP 的烟草农业机械化水平评价[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(1):83-92
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基于改进 AHP 的烟草农业机械化水平评价
王志斌,黄 超,王 龙※
1.北京科技大学计算机与通信工程学院,北京 100083;2.新疆兵团勘测设计院(集团)有限责任公司,乌鲁木齐 830002
【目的】建立科学的烟草农业机械化水平评价方法,有利于进行烟草行业农机化宏观 调控和微观指导,提升烟草生产机械化水平。【方法】针对烟草农业机械化水平缺乏科学评 价方法的实际问题,文章通过对国内主要烟草产区机械化生产的实际调研,提取可以表征烟 草农业机械化水平的各项指标。改进的层次分析法具有判断矩阵的最大特征值最小和一致性 指标最小的特点,因此通过该方法确定的指标权重精度较高。该文通过改进的层次分析法确 立了表征烟草机械化生产水平的各项指标的权重,并结合产区特点确定了标准值,构建了烟 草农业机械化水平评价体系。【结果】通过对云南曲靖等 10 个烟草产区调研资料进行评价, 各区烟草农业机械化水平最大值为 85.79%,最小值为 36.09%,其中山东诸城产区机械化水 平最高。【结论】通过真实调研数据验证,该文所建立的烟草农业机械化水平评价方法有效 地反映了各产区的基本情况,证明了评价体系的科学性。
关键词:  烟草  农业机械化水平  评价体系  改进的 AHP 方法
Evaluation of tobacco agricultural mechanizationlevel based on the improved AHP method
Wang Zhibin1,2, Huang Chao3, Wang Long3
1.School of Computer Science and Communication Engineering,University of Science and Techndogy,Beijing 100083, China;2.XPCC Surveying & Designing Institute(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Urumqi 830002,China;3.School of Computer Science and Communication Engineering,University of Science and Techndogy,Beijing 100083
[Purpose]An scientific evaluation of tobacco agricultural mechanization level is beneficial to the macro regulation and micro guidance. Meanwhile,it helps to improve the tobacco agricultural mechanization level.[Method]Due to lack of scientific evaluation method of tobacco agricultural mechanization level,and according to the actual situation of the tobacco production research,this paper has chosen the indexes to evaluate the level of agricultural mechanization,and applied an improved AHP to analyze the smallest characteristic value of judgment matrix and consistency index to determine the index weight with a high precision. By using the improved AHP,this paper established the weight of each indicator to reflect tobacco agricultural mechanization level,and combined the characteristics of production to determine the standard value,and further constructed the tobacco agricultural mechanization level evaluation system.[Result]The proposed method is applied to evaluating the agricultural mechanization level of 10 production areas across China. The results indicate that the highest mechanization level is 85.79% while the lowest is 36.09%. The production area of Zhucheng,Shandong has achieved the highest mechanization level.[Conclusion]The proposed method effectively reflects the actual production status of each production area by using the real data collected from fields. Thus, the scientific value of the proposed method is validated.
Key words:  tobacco  agricultural mechanization level  evaluation system  improved AHP