引用本文:魏妍冰,梁社芳,查 燕,余强毅,吴文斌※.农业水资源监测文献计量分析[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(1):93-103
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魏妍冰, 梁社芳, 查 燕, 余强毅, 吴文斌※
中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所 / 农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室,北京 100081
【目的】作为重要的自然环境与社会发展要素,农业水资源是人类进行农业生产活动 的重要基础,对于保障粮食安全具有重要作用。文章对农业水资源监测领域研究态势进行定 量分析,为未来研究提供参考依据。【方法】基于文献计量学方法,利用 Web of Science 核 心数据库检索,应用 VOSviewer、CiteSpace 和 Derwent Data Analyzer 等软件构建文献数据的 关系和可视化,分析 1999—2018 年农业水资源监测领域发文量趋势、主要研究力量和研究 热点。【结果】(1)全球发文量呈上升趋势,2008 年后发展速度明显提升,中国的发文量趋 势与全球发展基本保持一致,整体处于上升趋势。(2)欧盟、美国、中国、澳大利亚和加拿 大为全球在农业水资源监测技术领域的主要研究国家 / 地区,中国的发文量持续攀升但篇均 被引较低。在前 5 名科研机构中,中国科学院发文量最高,美国地质调查局的篇均被引位居 第 1。(3)在研究热点方面,水质(water quality)是农业水资源持续监测的热点,近 10 年, 气候变化(climate-change)成为关注的热点。【结论】目前,美国和欧盟在该领域具有较高 发展水平,中国虽然在发文量上具有较快发展,但研究的竞争力有待提高。未来的农业水资 源监测需从系统性和整体性等多角度开展研究,综合集成多源数据、多技术研发、大数据平 台,实现农业水资源的可持续发展。
关键词:  农业水资源  文献计量  研究现状  热点趋势
基金项目:中国工程院重大咨询项目“智慧农业发展战略研究”课题“农业水土资源监测与信息服务体系发展战略研 究”;中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项“智慧农业 2035 研究”(Y20182K11)
Bibliometric-based analysis of research on agriculturalwater resources monitoring
Wei Yanbing, Liang Shefang, Zha Yan, Yu Qiangyi, Wu Wenbin ※
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs ,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose]As an important element of natural environment and social development, agricultural water resources are essential for human agricultural production activities and play an important role in ensuring food security. This paper analyzed the research trend of 1999-2018 in the field of agricultural water resources monitoring to provide reference for future research. [Method]Based on bibliometrics,the core database of Web of Science was used for retrieval, and software including VOSviewer,CiteSpace and Derwent Data Analyzer were used to construct the relationship and visualization of literature Data. The development trends,major research forces and research hotspots of publications from 1999 to 2018 were analyzed.[Result](1) the global publishing volume presented an upward trend,and the development rate increased significantly after 2008. The publishing volume in China was basically consistent with the global development. (2)The European Union,the United States,China,Australia and Canada are the world’s major research countries/regions in the field of agricultural water resources monitoring technology. Among the top five institutions,the Chinese Academy of Sciences has the highest number of papers published,and the United States geological survey has the highest citation frequency. (3)In terms of research hot spots,”Water quality” is a continuous hot spot in the monitoring of agricultural water resources. In the past decade,”climate-change” has become a new hot spot.[Conclusion]At present,the United States and the European Union have a relatively high level of development in this field. Although China has a relatively rapid development in the quantity of publications,the competitiveness of research needs to be improved. The future monitoring of agricultural water resources needs to be studied from the perspective of systematization and integrity,and the comprehensive integration of multi-source data,multi-technology research and development,and big data platform,so as to realize the sustainable development of agricultural water resources.
Key words:  agricultural water resources  bibliometrics  research status  research tendency