引用本文:梁社芳,魏妍冰,余强毅,查 燕,吴文斌,杨 鹏※.基于文献计量的农业土地资源监测态势分析[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(1):104-114
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梁社芳, 魏妍冰, 余强毅, 查 燕, 吴文斌, 杨 鹏※
中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所 / 农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室,北京 100081
【目的】利用文献计量方法,对农业土地资源监测领域研究态势进行定量分析,系 统归纳其发展特征及研究热点,为该领域未来的发展方向提供参考。【方法】基于 Science Citation Index Expanded(SCIE)数据库,利用 Derwent Data Analyzer(DDA)等分析工具,采 用计量分析方法,分析 1999—2018 年农业土地资源监测领域的发展趋势、主要研究力量及 研究热点演变趋势等。【结果】(1)1999—2018 年,全球该领域论文发表量整体处于上升趋 势,2006 年之后进入快速增长阶段。其中,美国在该领域发文量位居第 2、论文总被引频 次位居第 1、篇均被引位居第 2,占据主导地位。中国在 2012 年后呈快速发展趋势,发文 量及总被引频次位居第 3,但篇均被引及发文期刊与其他主要国家 / 地区仍存在较大差距。 (2)该领域发文量排名前 5 的研究机构中,中国有 3 个,美国有 2 个,其中最活跃的机构是 中国科学院。但从发表论文的篇均被引情况看,美国科研机构远高于中国。(3)研究内容 上,农业土地资源监测领域研究热点逐渐从土地利用变化、土壤水分、氮等方面向生态系统 服务、生物多样性、有机碳、镉污染等方向延伸。(4)研究方法上,前期对模型、GIS 应用 较多,随着技术的发展及数据的多源化,遥感监测成为主导,情景分析及数据同化也成为新 的趋势。【结论】目前,美国在该领域具有较强的竞争力,中国虽然后期有较快发展,但其 研究竞争力和创新性有待提高。农业土地利用变化、土壤肥力等是农业土地资源监测领域长 期关注的研究热点,虽然逐步外延至对土壤污染、生态系统等方向的监测,但其研究相对薄 弱。未来可进一步开展多源数据融合技术,提高数据的利用效率。通过发展多尺度、多技术 融合的监测方法,提高农业土地资源监测的精度和时效性,同时应加强对农业土地资源利用 的生态环境效应监测,确保农业土地系统的可持续发展。
关键词:  文献计量  农业土地资源  监测
基金项目:中国工程院重大咨询项目“智慧农业发展战略研究”课题“农业水土资源监测与信息服务体系发展战略研 究”;中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项“智慧农业 2035 研究”(Y20182K11)
Status and trends analysis of research on agricultural landresource monitoring based on bibliometric analysis
Liang Shefang, Wei Yanbing, Yu Qiangyi, Zha Yan, Wu Wenbin, Yang Peng ※
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs ,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose]Based on bibliometrics,this paper aims to quantitatively analyze the process of researches on agricultural land resource monitoring and explore the trend of development.[Method]Based on Science Citation Index Expanded(SCIE)database and Derwent Data Analyzer(DDA)analysis tool,a bibliometric method was used to analyze the development trend,major international research forces and evolution of research hotspot in the of agricultural land resource monitoring from 1999 to 2018.[Result](1)The number of published papers globally in the field of agricultural land resource monitoring showed an upward trend from 1999 to 2018,and it increased quickly after 2006. The US ranks second,first and second in terms of the total number of published papers,total citations and citations per document. The number of published papers in China increased quickly after 2012. Both of the total number of published papers and the total citations of China rank in the third place,but there was a large gap between China and other major countries/region because of low citations per document and impact factor of publications. (2)Three of the top five institutes in this field are from China and two of them are from the US. The Chinese Academy of Sciences had the largest number of published papers. However,citations per document in the US were much larger than that of China. (3)In terms of research content,research hotspots in the field of agricultural land resources and environmental monitoring have gradually evolved from land use change,soil moisture and nitrogen to ecosystem services,biodiversity,organic carbon and cadmium pollution. In terms of research methods,there were many applications of models and GIS in the early stage. With the development of technology and the multi-source of data,remote sensing monitoring has become dominant,and scenario analysis and data assimilation have also become a new trend.[Conclusion]In the field of agricultural land resource monitoring,the US has relatively strong competitiveness,whereas China has a rapid development in the later stage,but its competitiveness and innovation need to be improved. Agricultural land use change and soil fertility have always been hotpots in this field. Although research hotpots of this field extended to the monitoring of soil pollution,ecosystem in the later stage,it is relatively weak. In the future,multi-source data fusion technology should be further developed to improve the utilization efficiency of multi-source data. Despite of the development of multi-scale and multi-technology monitoring methods,the precision and timeliness of agricultural land resources and environment monitoring could be improved,and the ecological environmental effect monitoring of agricultural land use should also be strengthened to ensure the sustainable development of agricultural land system.
Key words:  bibliometric methods  agricultural land resources  monitoring