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孙玲, 王晶晶, 邱琳, 单捷, 黄晓军, 王志明
江苏省农业科学院农业信息研究所,南京 210014
【目的】揭示江苏省水稻种植时空格局及动态变化特征,评价其稳定生产水平和种 植结构的空间变化规律,为江苏省水稻生产空间布局的优化调整和可持续发展提供决策依 据。【方法】文章选择江苏省水稻主产区50 个1∶50 000 比例尺标准地形图图幅单元为研究 区域,基于江苏省5 m 空间分辨率耕地遥感数据库,利用2011—2019 年水稻生长期内多源 遥感卫星影像,提取研究区当年的水稻种植面积及空间分布信息。运用数理统计和GIS 空间 分析功能,研究水稻面积变化幅度、变异系数以及转非水稻面积的时空分布特征,继而分析 2011—2019 年水稻种植面积的时空动态变化。【结果】研究区内50% 的地区水稻种植面积 仍然保持相对稳定,42% 的地区水稻种植面积缓慢下降,仅8% 的地区水稻种植面积急剧下 降。2011 年以来,累计有11.6 万hm2 水稻田逐年转为非耕地或持续种植其他作物,占2011 年研究区内水稻种植面积的13.7%。【结论】2011—2019 年研究区内水稻种植面积变化趋势 线斜率为-0.88,总体呈下降趋势,水稻面积平均变化率为-1.03%,变异系数为2.99%。
关键词:  遥感监测  水稻面积  空间分布  种植格局  动态变化
基金项目:江苏省农业科技自主创新基金项目“基于时序卫星影像与特征优选的江苏省耕地轮作休耕遥感识别技 术研究”(CX(19)3093); 国家科技重大专项课题“江苏高分农业遥感监测与评价技术研究与示范” (09-Y30B03-9001-13 /17-006)
Analysis on the spatial-temporal dynamic changes of rice plantingarea in the main rice production area of Jiangsu province
Sun Ling, Wang Jingjing, Qiu lin, Shan Jie, Huang Xiaojun, Wang Zhiming
Institute of Agricultural Information,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanjing 210014,China
[Purpose]The object of the research is to reveal the spatial-temporal pattern and dynamic change characteristics of rice cultivation in Jiangsu province,to evaluate the stable production level and the spatial variation of the planting structure,and to provide decisionmaking basis for the optimization adjustment and sustainable development of rice production spatial layout in Jiangsu province.[ Method]The research selects 50 standard topographic map units(1: 50000)in the main rice production area of Jiangsu province as the research area,on the basis of the 5 m spatial resolution remote sensing database of cultivated land in Jiangsu province,uses multi-source remote sensing satellite images during the rice growth period from 2011 to 2019 to extract information on the spatial distribution of rice planting area in the relevant year. With the functions of mathematical statistics and GIS spatial analysis,the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of rice area changes,coefficients of variation and irreversible rice area are studied. The spatial and temporal dynamic changes of rice planting area from 2011 to 2019 are analyzed afterward.[ Result]The rice planting area in 50% of the study area remained stable while in 42% decreased slowly. The rice planting area in 8% of study area decreased sharply. Since 2011,a total of 116.358 hectares of rice fields have been converted to non-cultivated land or other crops have been continuously planted,which accounts for 13.7% of the rice planting area in the study area in 2011.[ Conclusion]The slope of trend line of rice planting area in the study area from 2011 to 2019 is -0.88,which shows a general downward trend. The average change rate of rice area is -1.03%,and the overall coefficient of variation is 2.99%.
Key words:  remote sensing monitoring  rice area  spatial distribution  planting pattern  dynamic changes