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王佑汉1, 李谦※2, 曾琨1
1.西华师范大学国土资源学院,四川南充 637009;2.西华师范大学商学院,四川南充 637009
【目的】探讨撂荒地的影响因素和空间格局,为解决撂荒问题提供参考。【方法】借助 分形理论对研究区道路、水系、居民点和不同高程、坡度、坡向范围的撂荒耕地和未撂荒耕 地的信息维数计算,并与撂荒耕地和未撂荒耕地在不同地形要素下的面积、地块百分比对 比。【结果/ 结论】撂荒耕地空间分布比未撂荒耕地的空间分布更均匀;区内撂荒耕地和未 撂荒耕地的空间格局与水系基本一致;不同高程对范围内撂荒耕地和未撂荒耕地的空间格局 不一致;坡度大于25° 的耕地最容易撂荒,且空间范围分布最集中;6°~15° 的地块最不易撂 荒,但空间格局相对较分散;阴坡的耕地撂荒现象最严重,且分布集中;未撂荒耕地不具备 明显的坡向特征。
关键词:  信息维  四川丘陵  地形要素  撂荒耕地
基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目“四川省粮食主产区撂荒耕地空间格局及机制研究”(19XJY008);西华师范大学基 本科研业务费“四川省撂荒耕地空间格局及机制”(17C033)
Study on the spatial distribution of abandoned farmland andunabandoned farmland based on fractal theory
Wang Youhan1, Li Qian※2, Zeng Kun1
1.College of Land and Resources,The West Normal University,Sichuan Nanchong 637009,China;2.Business School,The West Normal University,Sichuan Nanchong 637009,China
[Purpose]The influencing factors and spatial pattern of abandoned land were discussed to provide reference for solving the problem of abandoned land.[ Method] The fractal theory was used to calculate the information dimension of the roads, water systems, residential areas and the abandoned and unabandoned farmland in different elevation, slope and slope direction, and compared with the area and plot percentage of the abandoned and unabandoned farmland under different topographic elements. [Result/Conclusion] The spatial distribution of abandoned farmland is more uniform than that of unabandoned farmland. The spatial pattern of abandoned and unabandoned farmland is basically the same as that of water system, but is not consistent in different elevation. Farmland with gradient greater than 25° is the most likely to be abandoned, and the spatial distribution is the most concentrated. 6°~15° plots are the most difficult to be abandoned, but the spatial pattern is relatively scattered. The farmland on the cloudy slope is the most serious and the distribution is concentrated. The unabandoned farmland does not have obvious slope characteristics.
Key words:  information dimension  Sichuan hills  topographic elements  abandoned farmland