引用本文:董秀春,李宗南,蒋 怡※,刘忠友,郭 涛,李源洪.成都郊区农业乡镇的土地利用变化特征分析[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(3):27-34
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董秀春, 李宗南, 蒋 怡※, 刘忠友, 郭 涛, 李源洪
四川省农业科学院遥感应用研究所,成都 610066
【目的】定量分析成都郊区农业乡镇土地利用变化特征,对产业结构调整优化意义重大。 【方法】文章选择以农业为主导的乡镇,建立浅丘、平坝不同地形的土地利用现状调查样区各 2 个,通过 2013 年和 2018 年分辨率优于 1 m 的高分辨率遥感影像获取土地利用类型信息,计 算土地利用类型转移矩阵,分析该区土地利用时空变化特征。【结果】(1)2013—2018 年该地 区农业用地结构发生明显变化,园地、设施大棚和坑塘水面等占比上升,耕地和林地占比下 降。(2)主要土地利用类型转移为耕地转出与园地转入,其中耕地主要转为园地、设施大棚和 建设用地,分别占转出面积的 64.1%、15.3% 和 12.5%;园地主要来源于耕地和林地,分别占 转入面积的 83.2% 和 11.5%。(3)浅丘、平坝不同地形农区发展的主导产业不同,显著影响农 业土地利用类型转化,浅丘区以耕地和林地转为园地为主,平坝区以耕地转为设施大棚和果 园为主。【结论】成都郊区农业乡镇的农业产业类型、规模化趋势改变了该地区农业土地利 用格局、提高了土地集约化水平,研究结果可为农业产业结构优化调整、乡村振兴提供参考。
关键词:  土地利用  农业  规模化  监测  遥感
基金项目:四川省应用基础研究项目“基于空间大数据的乡村地区土地利用变化研究”(2019YJ0608);四川省财政创 新能力提升工程专项资金项目“乡村旅游地区土地利用变化研究”(2019QNJJ-025);四川省农业科学院前 沿学科研究基金“基于遥感大数据和深度学习的作物种植信息提取”(2019QYXK036)
Land use change analysis of typical agriculture township in thesuburbs of Chengdu
Dong Xiuchun, Li Zongnan, Jiang Yi ※, Liu Zhongyou, Guo Tao, Li Yuanhong
Institute of Remote Sensing Application,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066,China
[Purpose]Quantitative analysis of the characteristics of land use changes in agricultural towns in the suburbs of Chengdu is of great significance to the adjustment and optimization of industrial structure. [Method]In this paper,agriculture-oriented towns were selected,and two survey plots of land use status of different topography (shallow hills and flats) were established. The land use type information was obtained from high-resolution remote sensing images with a resolution higher than 1 m in 2013 and 2018,and the land use type transfer matrix was calculated to analyze the spatiotemporal characteristics of land use changes in the area. [Result]The results showed that:(1)From 2013 to 2018,the structure of agricultural land in study area had undergone significant changes:the proportions of garden plots,greenhouses, and pond water surfaces had all increased,while the proportions of cultivated land and forest land had declined. (2)The transfer of cultivated land and the transfer of garden land were the main types of land use transfers. The cultivated land was mainly transferred out of garden land, facility greenhouses and construction land,which accounted for 64.1%,15.3% and 12.5% of the total transferred area respectively. Garden land was mainly transferred in from cultivated land and woodland,which accounted for 83.2% and 11.5% of the total transferred area respectively. (3)Different leading industries were developed in agricultural areas with different terrains such as shallow hills and flats,which significantly affected the conversion of agricultural land use types. In shallow hill areas,cultivated land and woodland were mostly converted into garden land,while in flat areas,cultivated land was mostly converted into greenhouses and orchards. [Conclusion]The agricultural industry types and large-scale trends of agricultural towns in the suburbs of Chengdu had changed the pattern of agricultural land use in the region and improved the level of land intensification. The research results could provide references for the optimization and adjustment of agricultural industrial structure and rural revitalization.
Key words:  land use  agriculture  large-scale  monitoring  remote sensing