引用本文:袁琦松,于 飞,袁淑杰※,胡家敏.贵州省辣椒干旱气象指数保险研究及应用[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(3):35-44
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袁琦松1, 于 飞2, 袁淑杰※1, 胡家敏2
1.成都信息工程大学,成都 610225;2.贵州省山地环境气候研究所,贵阳 550002
【目的】为促进贵州省辣椒干旱气象指数保险业务开展,降低旱灾对辣椒种植农户造 成经济损失的风险。【方法】文章利用 1990—2019 年贵州省 84 个国家气象站共 30 年的气 象数据,并根据制定出的干旱等级标准进行处理,最终得出各站点各级干旱频率,以及各 站点的纯保险费率。并通过克里金差值绘制出各级干旱频率分布图以及纯保险费率分布图。 【结果】受干旱影响较大的辣椒种植地区主要集中于贵州省东南部以及中部部分区域;受干 旱影响较小的辣椒种植地区主要分布在西部。贵州省东部的纯保险费率普遍高于 9%,西部 则相对较低(约 4%)。【结论】干旱灾害空间分布以及纯保险费率空间分布结果显示,贵州 省辣椒干旱气象指数保险市场广阔。在贵州省尤其是贵州省东部需要辣椒干旱气象指数保险 产品,来降低当地辣椒种植户因干旱导致的收入不稳定风险,同时帮助农户灾后快速获得补 偿恢复生产,最终促进贵州辣椒产业健康稳定持续发展。
关键词:  农业保险  气象指数保险  干旱  辣椒  纯保险费率
基金项目:贵州省气象局重要业务科研项目“贵州省辣椒气象服务关键技术研究”(黔气标合 ZY[2020]03 号)
Research and application of pepper drought meteorological indexinsurance in Guizhou province
Yuan Qisong1, Yu Fei2, Yuan Shujie ※1, Hu Jiamin2
1.Chengdu University of Information Technology,Chengdu 610225,China;2.Guizhou Mountain Environmental and Climate Research Institute,Guiyang 550002,China
[Purpose]To promote the development of Guizhou pepper drought weather index insurance business,and reduce the risk of economic losses to pepper farmers due to drought. [Method]The article uses 30 years of meteorological data from 84 national weather stations in Guizhou Province from 1990 to 2019,and processes them according to the established drought grade standards,and finally obtains the drought frequency of each station at all levels and the pure insurance rate of each station. And through the Kriging method to draw the distribution of drought frequency at all levels and the distribution of pure insurance rates. [Result]The pepper planting areas affected by drought are mainly concentrated in the southeast and central part of Guizhou;the pepper planting areas less affected by drought are mainly distributed in the west. The net insurance rate in eastern Guizhou is generally higher than 9%,while in the western part it is relatively low (about 4%). [Conclusion]The spatial distribution of drought disasters and the spatial distribution of pure insurance rates show that Guizhou pepper drought weather index insurance market is broad. In Guizhou,especially eastern Guizhou,a pepper drought weather index insurance product is needed to reduce the risk of local pepper growers’ income instability due to drought,and to help farmers quickly obtain compensation to resume production after a disaster,and ultimately promote the healthy,stable and sustainable development of Guizhou’s pepper industry.
Key words:  agricultural insurance  endex-based weather insurance  drought damage  pepper  pure insurance rate