引用本文:刘逸竹,李 晴.湖北省农业水土空间协调水平研究[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(3):45-54
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刘逸竹1, 李 晴2
【目的】耕地、水资源以及他们在空间上的协调水平对农业管理和政策制定有重要意 义。【方法】文章在地级行政区尺度上,以“十三五”为基准年份,针对湖北省选取水土资 源匹配系数(R)、Gini 系数和主要作物灌溉需求量,从定性和定量的角度对讨论了该省耕 地和水资源协调水平。【结果 / 结论】湖北省耕地和水资源在空间上协调水平较高,但省内 相对干旱地区一些需水量大的作物在旱年仍然存在缺水的风险。整体上,湖北省农业供水能 够保障国家粮食战略需求,但也需要注意协调农业和其他耗水产业。同时,该文考虑到所用 指标可能会由于其在描述动态变化和尺度效应上的局限,导致其在目前极端气候越来越频繁 的趋势中参考价值打折,且认为这一缺陷可以通过在测度中综合考虑气象和作物信息来改 善。
关键词:    耕地  空间协调  湖北省
Study on spatial matching of cultivated land with water resource inHubei province
Liu Yizhu1, Li Qing2
1.Hubei Research Institute of Land Resource,Wuhan,430070,China;2.The College of Urban & Environmental Sciences,Central China Normal University,Hubei Wuhan,430070,China
[Purpose]Spatial homogeneous level of water vs cropland is very important for agricultural and resource management and policy making.Hubei Province,which locates in the very central of China and plays an important role on water conservation and food production of the country,hasn’t been studied on the topic.[Method].In order to give advises on provincial resource management and planning businesses,R,Gini efficiency and meteorological observation data during “the 13 th Five Year” (2011—2015) were used for discussing the spatial concordance between water and croplands from qualitative and quantitative aspect,respectively. [Result/Conclusion].The results suggested that Hubei Province is definitely perform well on its spatial concordance between water and cropland.the total volumes of the province and the cities it belongs to were enough for agricultural use.However,crops with high irrigation need were still call for more attention as well as the locations with relatively low precipitation,especially in dry years. The study also noticed the shortages of the method used in this study,such as (1)scale effect,the scales of study area and basic unit both effect the result of R and Gini,(2)describing dynamic trend,and (3) giving suggestion in the text of climate change with more frequent extreme and sudden weathers. Meanwhile,we deem that agricultural water management shouldn’t be considered out of the comprehensive context of macro-control on actual or virtual flows.Understanding the effects results from great water projects,the allocation plan on sharing with other water consuming industrials,high efficiency use and problems on water are all calling for further discussion.
Key words:  water,cropland,spatial concordance,Hubei province