引用本文:王 萌,刘 爽,张江丽 ※.对我国智慧农业发展的思考[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(3):55-60
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王 萌1, 刘 爽2, 张江丽 ※1
1.中国农业科学院科技管理局,北京 100081;2.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
【目的】随着经济社会不断发展和现代化信息技术在农业上的广泛应用,世界农业逐 步迈入智慧农业新阶段。人工智能系统、数据采集系统、高性能传感器、无人机等关键领 域创新成果大量涌现,有力支撑了智慧农业的快速发展。智慧农业将引领农业快速实现网 络化、数字化和智能化,是一场农业上的新技术革命。【方法】通过系统研讨智慧农业的定 义与技术特点,智慧农业与互联网、物联网、遥感、人工智能、5G 技术等核心关键技术的 发展现状和融合趋势,文章对国内外智慧农业发展现状等进行分析,在此基础上对我国发 展智慧农业的规划、基础条件建设和人才培养提出建议。【结果】当前我国发展智慧农业存 在几个影响深远的短板:(1)专业人才严重缺乏,人才队伍建设与产业需求有较大不适应, 严重制约智慧农业的发展。(2)农村基础设施落后,难以满足产业对智慧农业的巨大需求。 (3)智慧农业科研体系不够健全,难以实现农业技术突破和转换成智慧农业的生产力。 【结论】对我国发展智慧农业的建议主要包括:(1)科学做好顶层规划设计,为智慧农业快 速发展提供政策和技术保障。(2)加快推进农业基础设施建设。综合运用政府支持、财政投 入、民间资本投入等方式,加大对农村信息传输基础设施建设支持力度。(3)加快人才队伍 建设。建立健全技术培训机制,培养一批具专业素养的农业技术人才,促进专业技术人员交 流协作,加快实现智慧农业交叉融合水平。
关键词:  智慧农业  现代信息技术  技术融合  发展现状  策略
Reflections on the development of smart agriculture in China
Wang Meng1, Liu Shuang2, Zhang Jiangli ※1
1.Department of Research Management,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;2.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose]With the continuous development of economy and society and the wide application of modern information technology in agriculture,the world agriculture is gradually stepping into a new stage of smart agriculture. Smart agriculture leads agriculture into networking, digitization and intellectualization,which is a new technological revolution in agriculture. [Method]This paper systematically discusses the definition and technical characteristics of smart agriculture,the development status and integration trend of smart agriculture with internet, internet of things,remote sensing,artificial intelligence,5G technology,and analyzes the development status of smart agriculture at home and abroad. Some suggestions are put forward the construction of strategy,basic conditions and personnel training for the development of smart agriculture in China. [Result]There are several shortcomings in the development of smart agriculture in China:(1) There is a serious shortage of professional talents,and the construction of talent team does not adapt to the industrial demand,which seriously restricts the development of smart agriculture. (2) Rural infrastructure is backward,it is difficult to meet the huge industrial demand for smart agriculture. (3) The scientific research system of smart agriculture is not perfect. China’s smart agricultural scientific research system has not been constructed and perfected,and the technology transformation chain is not complete,so it is difficult to realize the agricultural technology breakthrough and transform into the productivity of smart agriculture. [Conclusion]Suggestions for the development of smart agriculture in China mainly include: (1) Scientific top-level planning and design to provide policy and technical support for the rapid development of smart agriculture. (2) We should speed up the construction of agricultural infrastructure,and increase support for rural information transmission infrastructure through a combination of government support,fiscal input and private capital input. (3) We should speed up the construction of talent teams,establish and improve the technical training mechanism, cultivate a group of agricultural technical personnel with professional quality,promote the exchange and cooperation of professional and technical personnel,and accelerate the realization of cross integration level of smart agriculture.
Key words:  smart agriculture  modern information technology  technology integration  actuality  strategy