引用本文:曾志康,李 敏,韦 健,莫小香,苏秀刚,覃泽林 ※.农业科技园区系统设计与应用[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(3):61-70
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曾志康, 李 敏, 韦 健, 莫小香, 苏秀刚, 覃泽林 ※
广西壮族自治区农业科学院农业科技信息研究所,南宁 530007
【目的】通过信息化手段,实现农业科技园区年度监测评价数据在线填报与采集,提 高园区监测评价效率。【方法】系统采用 JAVA 语言进行编写设计,使用 Spring、Struts、 Hibernate 3 个框架进行集成开发;开发使用 MVC 的设计模式,可对业务代码进行解耦,便 于后期维护与管理。(1)以广西壮族自治区农业科技园区监测评价指标体系为基础,以“园 区填报—市级单位审核—自治区级单位审核—专家评分”为构架,实现系统功能;(2)系统 开展了 2017 年和 2018 年广西壮族自治区农业科技园区监测评价数据填报,验证系统的实用 性。【结果 / 结论】系统极大减轻了基层科技部门的园区监测评价数据上报工作量,减少了 纸质材料报送导致的浪费;同时通过每年度的监测评价数据分析形成专题报告,为广西壮族 自治区农业科技园区主管部门,及时准确把握园区发展水平、加强园区建设管理等提供翔实 的数据支撑。
关键词:  信息管理系统  监测评价  农业科技园区  系统开发
基金项目:广西科技计划项目“广西武宣县农业科技园区建设——‘互联网 +’与智慧农业示范”(桂科 AD17292031); 广西农业科学院基本科研业务专项“农业信息技术研究团队”(2015YT72)
Design and application of monitoring and evaluation systemof agricultural science and technology park
Zeng Zhikang, Li Min, Wei Jian, Mo Xiaoxiang, Su Xiugang, Qin Zelin ※
Agricultural Science and Technology Information Research Institute,Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanning 530007,China
[Purpose]By means of informatization,the annual monitoring and evaluation data of agricultural science and technology park can be filled and collected online,and the monitoring and evaluation efficiency of the park can be improved. [Method]The system was written and designed in Java,and integrated development was carried out with spring,struts and hibernate;MVC design pattern was used to decouple business code,which was convenient for later maintenance and management. Taking the monitoring and evaluation index system of the Guangxi Agricultural Science and Technology Park as the pulse,and taking the “Park Filling- Municipal Unit Audit-Autonomous Region Unit Audit-Expert Scoring” as the network,to achieve the system functions. The system carried out the 2017 and 2018 Guangxi Agricultural Science and Technology Park monitoring and evaluation data reporting to verify the practicability of the system. [Result/Conclusion]The system greatly reduces the workload of reporting and monitoring data of the park in the grass-roots science and technology department,and reduces the unnecessary paper materials;at the same time,a special report is formed through annual monitoring and evaluation data analysis. The department timely and accurately grasps the development level of the park and strengthens the construction and management of the park to provide detailed data support.
Key words:  information management system  monitoring and evaluation  agricultural science and technology park  system development