引用本文:梁 栋,呼亚杰,唐文凤 ※.农业农村部政务信息资源共享服务系统设计与实现[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(4):50-58
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梁 栋, 呼亚杰, 唐文凤 ※
农业农村部信息中心,北京 100125
【目的】为加快推动政务信息系统互联和数据共享,提高行政效率,亟需开展政务信 息资源整合共享工作。【方法】文章以农业农村部政务信息资源共享服务系统为技术平台,开 展我部政务信息资源整合共享工作。农业农村部政务信息资源共享服务系统基于 JSP 和 VUE 前端技术,使用 Java 开发语言,以 Oracle11g 为数据库,部署单向导入网闸,开展系统建设。 【结果】系统实现了农业农村部各单位、部分部委及部分省级农业部门的农业农村政务信息 资源目录的集中展示和查询,并与数据资源进行了实体对接。对政务信息资源按权限进行展 示、查询和共享,对数据资源进行可视化展示和监控,为部内各单位及省级农业农村部门开 展数据共享提供了功能入口。【结论】通过系统的上线运行,实现部门数据集中汇聚,部内 各单位与部外单位及省级农业农村部门通过系统开展了数据共享,实现了网络连通、数据联 动、业务协同,为领导决策提供了数据支持,为跨行业数据查询和办理业务提供了平台,优 化了数据服务流程,形成了数据服务合力,其建设思路也为农业农村大数据建设提供了实践 参考。
关键词:  政务信息资源整合  资源目录  数据共享  交换平台
Design and implementation of government information resourcessharing service system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Liang Dong, Hu Yajie, Tang Wenfeng ※
The Information Center,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100125,China
[Purpose]In order to accelerate the interconnection and data sharing of government information system and improve administrative efficiency,it is urgent to carry out the integration and sharing of government information resources. [Method]Taking the government information resource sharing service system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as the technical platform,the government information resource integration and sharing work of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs was carried out. The government information resource sharing service system of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is based on JSP and Vue front-end technology,uses Java development language,takes Oracle11g as database,deploys one-way import gateway,and carries out system construction. [Result]The system realizes the centralized display and query of the agricultural and rural government information resources directory of all units of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,some ministries and some provincial agricultural departments,and makes entity docking with the data resources. The government information resources are displayed,inquired and shared according to the authority,and the data resources are visually displayed and monitored,which provides a functional entrance for all units within the Ministry and provincial agricultural and rural departments to carry out data sharing. [Conclusion]Through the online operation of the system,the centralized collection of departmental data is realized. All units within the Ministry,units outside the Ministry and provincial agricultural and rural departments carry out data sharing through the system,realizing network connectivity,data linkage and business collaboration,providing data support for leaders’ decision-making,providing a platform for cross industry data query and business handling, optimizing the data service process,and forming a digital platform According to the service force, its construction ideas also provide practical reference for the construction of agricultural and rural big data.
Key words:  government information resource integration  resource catalog  data sharing  exchange platform