引用本文:陈 鸿,陈志端 ※,郭晶鹏,吴若昊.农旅融合视角下潍坊市农业产业发展规划研究[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(4):59-70
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陈 鸿1, 陈志端 ※2, 郭晶鹏1, 吴若昊1
1.中国生态城市研究院有限公司 技术创新中心,北京 100048;2.北京建筑大学 建筑与城市规划学院,北京 100048
【目的】解决好“三农”问题是中国十四五规划工作中的重中之重,农业问题又是解 决三农问题的基础问题,因此研究未来我国农业发展路径具有非常重要意义。【方法】从农 旅融合视角出发,研究不同阶段农旅融合发展的内涵与模式,分析国内外农旅融合不同阶段 融合模式的成功案例,通过对潍坊市三大模式进行分析与升级,提出了潍坊市农业发展体系 及项目支撑。【结果】规划了潍坊市农业发展体系:(1)通过对潍坊市农业资源禀赋、现状 问题、发展趋势等进行分析,规划了打造潍坊市农旅全域发展“山东样本”、世界影响力的 农旅枢纽引领区、国家级“农旅 +”经济发展聚集区三大发展定位。(2)围绕三大定位,规 划了以三大模式创新、一村一品、“农旅 +”、农旅总部经济、农旅金融、农旅济构筑农旅嘉 年华等为构筑方向的农旅发展产业体系。【结论】寿光模式、潍坊模式和诸城模式三大模式 的创新升级对全国农业未来农业发展模式具有导向作用,推广、复制三大模式的成功经验对 促进我国其他地区农业发展快速发展具有重要意义。
关键词:  农旅融合  潍坊模式  发展规划  农旅产业  农业产业体系  “农旅 +”
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“基于 CAS 理论的韧性城市系统模型构建与实证研究”(51808024)
Research on the development path of agricultural industry in Weifangcity from the perspective of integration of agriculture and tourism
Chen Hong1, Chen Zhiduan ※2, Guo Jingpeng1, Wu Ruohao1
1.Institute for Technology Innovation,China Eco-city Academy Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100048,China;2.School of Architecture and urban planning,Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Beijing 10048,China
[Purpose]To solve the problems of agriculture,rural areas and farmers is the top priority in China’s Fourteenth Five-Yyear Plan,and the agricultural problems are the basic problems to solve the problems of agriculture,rural areas and farmers. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the future development path of China’s agriculture.[Method]From the perspective of the integration of agriculture and tourism,the connotation and mode of the integration of agriculture and tourism in different stages were studied,and the successful cases of the integration of agriculture and tourism in different stages at home and abroad were analyzed. Through the analysis and upgrading of the three major modes of Weifang city,the agricultural development system and project support of Weifang city were put forward.[Result]The agricultural development system of Weifang city was formed:(1) through the analysis of the endowment of agricultural resources,current problems and development trend of Weifang city,the three development orientations of building “Shandong sample” of Weifang agricultural tourism development,leading area of agricultural tourism hub with world influence,and national “agricultural tourism +” economic development cluster were defined. (2) Centering on the three major orientations,it has formed the direction of three major model innovation,one village one product,”agricultural tourism +”,agricultural tourism headquarters economy,agricultural tourism finance,and agricultural tourism economy to build agricultural tourism carnival,and constructed the agricultural tourism development industry system and specific project support. [Conclusion]the innovation and upgrading of Shouguang model,Weifang model and Zhucheng model play a guiding role in the future agricultural development model of China’s agriculture,and the promotion and replication of the successful experience of the three models are of great significance to promote the rapid development of agriculture in other regions of China.
Key words:  integration of agriculture and tourism  Weifang model  development planning  agricultural tourism industry  agricultrual industrial system  “agricultural tourism+”