引用本文:田晓宇,辛晓平,刘欣超,王路路,童 琦,邵长亮※.草原生态环境监测现状与需求[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(5):60-71
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田晓宇, 辛晓平, 刘欣超, 王路路, 童 琦, 邵长亮※
【目的】草原生态环境监测是保护草原的关键和基础,文章对我国草原生态环境监测 现状与需求进行分析,明确急需解决的问题并提出解决方案,为未来发展提供参考依据。 【方法】该文通过网络调查、实地问卷调研相结合的方式,以相关领域科研人员、不同层级 的草原生态环境监测管理人员为调查对象,对该领域科研学者、管理人员及其从业人员对 我国草原生态环境监测现状与需求情况进行调研分析。【结果】受访者认为当前我国草原监 测情况需要加强,特别需要加强长时序、高频次连续监测的技术研发和相关人员培训;此 外,虽然现在对草原生态环境监测的重视程度提高,但目前的研究重心仍集中在关键技术的 突破方面,对于草原生态环境监测的宏观政策和调控方面不满足需求。对于草原生态体系建 设方面,约一半受访者认为加大专项投入和建立职能完善高效的监测队伍是当前最为重要的 工作。【结论】结果表明,目前我国仍处在草原生态环境监测规范化和信息服务体系的研究 积累阶段,在实用技术产品开发和实用技术推广方面空缺明显。需要我们从以下六个方面加 强草原生态环境监测与信息服务体系建设工作:(1)着力完善草原标准监测体系,(2)努力 推动草原固定监测点建设,(3)切实履行各级草原监测工作职能,(4)加大资金投入力度, (5)提升监测技术水平,(6)充分运用草原监测成果提高信息服务能力。
关键词:  草原生态环境  生态监测  技术  调查报告
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2017YFE0104500);国家自然科学基金委面上项目(41771205,31870466);中国工 程院重大咨询项目“智慧农业发展战略研究”课题“草原生态环境监测与信息服务体系发展战略研究”; 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金资助(CARS-34)
Current status and needs of grassland ecological environment monitoring
Tian Xiaoyu, Xin Xiaoping, Liu Xinchao, Wang Lulu, Tong Qi, Shao Changliang※
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Agricultural Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose]Grassland ecological environment monitoring is the key and basis for grassland protection. This article analyzes the current situation of Chinese grassland ecological environment monitoring and information service systems,clarifies the major needs and urgent problems facing technological development,and provides reference for future researches. [Method]Through a combination of online and field surveys,we investigate research personnel in related fields and grassland ecological environment monitoring and management personnel at different levels. And the research scholars,management staff and practitioners in this field are concerned about the grassland ecology in China. The environmental monitoring and information service technology well investigated and analyzed in this study.[Result]The survey results show that the interviewees believe that the current situation of grassland monitoring in China needs to be strengthened,especially the technical research and development of long-sequence, high-frequency continuous monitoring and relevant personnel training. In addition,the current emphasis on grassland ecological environment monitoring and,still focus on breakthroughs in key technologies,the macroeconomic policies and regulation of grassland ecological environment monitoring do not meet the needs. Regarding the construction of the grassland ecosystem,about half of the interviewees from total sample believe that increasing their special investment and establishing a fully functional and efficient monitoring team are currently the most important tasks.[Conclusion]The analysis results show that China is still in the stage of research and accumulation of grassland ecological environment monitoring standardization and information service systems,and there are noticeable gaps in the development of practical technology products and the promotion of practical technology. We need to strengthen the construction of grassland ecological environment monitoring and information service systems from the following six aspects:(1)Focus on improving the grassland standard monitoring system.(2)Work hard to promote the construction of fixed grassland monitoring points.(3)Effectively perform the functions of grassland monitoring at all levels.(4)Increase capital investment.(5)Improve monitoring technology.(6)Make full use of grassland monitoring results to improve information service capabilities.
Key words:  grassland ecological environment  ecological monitoring  technology  survey report