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【目的】农村人居环境整治是实现乡村振兴战略的重要任务,对整治工作取得的成果 进行有效监测和监督日益迫切,这事关农村人居环境整治工作的成效。【方法】文章通过文 献梳理,整理了我国农村人居环境整治工作所取得的进展,结合调查研究及工作中汇聚的 时空数据资源,提出构建天空地一体化的农村人居环境大数据监测平台的思路,将对农村 人居环境整治成果进行有效的监督和核查。【结果】该文提出了构建农村人居环境数据资源 库、农村人居环境监测系统、农村人居环境举报核查系统、农村人居环境整治评估系统的建 设思路,从而形成天空地一体化的农村人居环境大数据监测平台,将为做好农村人居环境监 测体系建设提供支撑。【结论】利用基于遥感、大数据、人工智能等现代信息技术手段,构 建天空地一体化的农村人居环境大数据监测平台,对农村人居环境整治成效进行有效监督和 核查,实现整治效果全过程的在线监管,充分发挥信息化助力农村人居环境整治工作的独特 作用。
关键词:  农村人居环境  天空地一体化  大数据监测平台  地理信息
Reflections on the construction of the monitoring system of rural humansettlements with the integration of space-sky-terrestrial
Dong Chunyan
Information Center of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100125,China
[Purpose]The renovation of rural human settlements is an important task to realize the strategy of Rural Revitalization. It is increasingly urgent to effectively monitor and supervise the achievements of the renovation work,which is related to the effectiveness of the renovation work of rural human settlements.[ Method]Through literature review,this paper summarizes the progress of rural human settlements improvement in China,and proposes to build a big data monitoring platform of rural human settlements integrated with sky and earth,which will effectively supervise and verify the results of rural human settlements improvement[. Result]This paper proposes to build the data resource database of rural human settlements,the monitoring system of rural human settlements,the reporting and verification system of rural human settlements,and the remediation and evaluation system of rural human settlements,so as to form the big data monitoring platform of rural human settlements with the integration of sky and earth, and gives some policy suggestions for the construction of rural human settlements monitoring system.[ Conclusion]By using modern information technologies such as remote sensing,big data and artificial intelligence,the construction of a sky ground integrated big data monitoring platform for rural human settlements will effectively supervise and verify the effect of rural human settlements remediation,realize online supervision of the whole process of remediation effect, and give full play to the unique role of informatization in rural human settlements remediation.
Key words:  rural human settlements  the integration of space-sky-terrestrial  big data monitoring platform  geographic information