引用本文:陈秀生,薛志原,唐怀壮,李孟威,张同帅,吕国栋.4LZ-8 稻麦收获机拨禾轮辐盘模态分析[J].中国农业信息,2021,33(1):37-45
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4LZ-8 稻麦收获机拨禾轮辐盘模态分析
陈秀生, 薛志原, 唐怀壮, 李孟威, 张同帅, 吕国栋
【目的】为了研究拨禾轮辐盘的振动,验证拨禾轮辐盘是否会与割台其他部位产生共 振。【方法】文章对4LZ-8 稻麦收获机拨禾轮结构进行设计,并通过试验得出拨禾轮的最佳 拨禾速比λ,计算得出拨禾轮转速;对拨禾轮受振动影响最严重的拨禾轮辐盘部分进行模 态分析,通过线性摄动模态分析得出拨禾轮辐盘的振动频率和振型,并通过约束模态分析与 其进行对比,验证线性摄动模态分析的准确性。【结果】通过试验得出拨禾轮的最佳拨禾速 比λ=1.6,计算得出拨禾轮转速n=42.2(r/min)。对拨禾轮辐盘进行线性摄动模态分析,得 到6 阶模态频率为6.646 2~64.258 Hz,并得出拨禾轮辐盘的各阶振型。通过约束模态分析得 到6 阶模态频率为13.609~71.052 Hz,并与线性摄动模态分析所得到的振型进行对比,发现 模态振型都与相对应的线性摄动模态相同,只有固有频率大于线性摄动模态,表明线性摄动 模态分析正确。【结论】通过对拨禾轮辐盘的模态分析与割台其他部分激励进行分析,得出 4LZ-8 稻麦联合收获机拨禾轮辐盘不会发生共振。
关键词:  稻麦收获机  拨禾轮辐盘  模态分析
基金项目:山东省农机装备研发创新计划项目(2016YF027);山东省2018 年重点研发计划(重大科技创新工程)项 目(2018CXGC0216)
Modal analysis of 4LZ-8 rice-wheat harvester reel spoke disc
Chen Xiusheng, Xue Zhiyuan, Tang Huaizhuang, Li Mengwei, Zhang Tongshuai, Lv Guodong
School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Jinan, Shandong Jinan 250022, China
[ Purpose]To study the vibration of the reel spokes and verify whether the reel spokes will resonate with other parts of the header.[Method]This paper designs the reel structure of the 4LZ-8 rice and wheat harvester, and obtains the best reel speed ratio λ through experiments, and calculates the reel speed. The modal analysis of the spokes of the reel that is most severely affected by vibration is carried out, and the vibration frequency and mode of the spokes of the reel are obtained through linear perturbation modal analysis. And through the constrained modal analysis to compare with it to verify the accuracy of the linear perturbation modal analysis. [Result]The best reel speed ratio λ=1.6 was obtained through experiments, and the reel speed n=42.2( r/min) was calculated. The linear perturbation modal analysis of the reel spokes is carried out, and the 6-order modal frequency is 6.6462~64.258 Hz, and the vibration modes of the reel spokes are obtained. Through constrained modal analysis, the sixth-order modal frequency is 13.609~71.052 Hz, and compared with the vibration shape obtained from linear perturbation modal analysis, it is found that the modal vibration shapes are the same as the corresponding linear perturbation modes. Only the natural frequency is greater than the linear perturbation mode, indicating that the linear perturbation mode analysis is correct.[Conclusion]Through the modal analysis of the reel spokes and the excitation of other parts of the header, it is concluded that the reel spokes of the 4LZ-8 rice-wheat combine will not resonate.
Key words:  rice and wheat harvester  wheel dial  modal analysis