引用本文:任艳敏,李淑华,胡兆云,刘 玉※.台地区农村居民点空间布局与优化策略研究[J].中国农业信息,2021,33(1):56-64
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任艳敏1,2, 李淑华1,2, 胡兆云3, 刘 玉※1,2
【目的】研究台地区农村居民点空间布局与优化策略,为台地区农村居民点整治提供 方法参考。【方法】文章在区分地貌类型的基础上,构建了基于发展基础、资源禀赋、生活 便利和生态环境的居民点综合影响力评价模型,并以屯昌县为例提出了农村居民点的空间 布局与优化策略。【结果】(1)屯昌县农村居民点综合影响力空间分布不均衡:高级别居民 点多分布在台地平原区,生产生活条件良好,属重点发展区;而低级别居民点多零散分布 于山地丘陵区,发展潜力较小;(2)综合考虑居民点影响力以及地形地貌与图斑面积,屯 昌县1734 个居民点被分为城镇化型、重点发展型、规模控制型和迁村并点型4 种优化类型; (3)基于加权Voronoi 图生成了77 个重点发展型居民点的势力影响范围,确定了迁村并点型 居民点的搬迁方向。【结论】基于台地区特殊的地貌类型,提出了农村居民点空间布局与优 化策略,服务于区域农村居民点整治与规划。
关键词:  台地  农村居民点  空间布局  优化  土地整治  屯昌县
Layout optimization and optimization strategy for rural residentsin mesa regions
Ren Yanmin1,2, Li Shuhua1,2, Hu Zhaoyun3, Liu Yu※1,2
1.Beijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture,Beijing 100097,China;2.National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture,Beijing 100097,China;3.Yi’an Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Anhui Tongling 244100,China
[Purpose]The object of the research is to study the spatial layout and optimization strategy of rural residential areas in mesa regions,and to provide reference for the renovation and planning of rural residential areas in mesa regions.[ Method]Based on the classification of geomorphic types,this paper constructs a comprehensive evaluation model of residential areas based on development condition,agricultural production,convenient living condition and ecological environment. Taking Tunchang County as an example,this paper puts forward the spatial layout and optimization strategy of rural residential areas in mesa regions. [Result](1)the spatial distribution of comprehensive influence of rural residential areas in Tunchang County is unbalanced:high-level residential areas are mostly distributed in platform plain areas with good production and living conditions,which are key development areas;while low-level residential areas are scattered in mountainous and hilly areas,with less development potential;(2)considering the influence of residential areas,topography and patch area,there are 1734 residential areas in Tunchang County Residential areas are divided into four types, including urbanization type,key development type,scale control type and village merging type; (3)based on the weighted Voronoi diagram,the influence scope of 77 key development type residential areas is generated,and the relocation direction of these settlements is determined. [Conclusion]Based on the special geomorphic types in mesa area,this paper puts forward the spatial layout and optimization strategies of rural residential areas,which can serve for the renovation and planning of regional rural settlements.
Key words:  mesa area  rural residents  spatial layout  optimization  land reclamation  Tunchang county