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【目的 】 台湾地区在精致农业的发展理念下,实现由传统农业逐步向现代农业绿色发展的转变。当前,农业经济社会发展步入新阶段,学习台湾地区农业绿色发展经验,对进一步促进我国农业绿色高效和可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。 【方法 】 通过大量文献资料梳理,概述台湾地区农业绿色发展情况、农业绿色发展成功模式及经验启示。 【结果 】 文章系统介绍台湾地区4种农业绿色发展成功模式,包括资源节约高效发展模式、生态环保发展模式、绿色优质供给模式、绿色防控监管模式,并总结提出坚持农业绿色发展理念,加强绿色增产技术攻关,大力发展创意休闲农业,助推智慧农业创新发展,大力实施品牌发展战略,加大产地环境管理力度,充分利用数字信息平台7项经验启示。 【结论 】 借鉴台湾地区农业绿色发展经验,可为加快推进我国农业绿色发展和农业农村现代化,实施乡村振兴战略提供决策支持。
关键词:  台湾  农业绿色发展  成功模式  经验启示
The successful patterns and experiential enlightenments of agricultural green development under the context of smart in Taiwan,China
Li Yuyi1, Wu Wenbin1, Li Wencai1, Liu Shuang1, Zhang Guoqing2, Han Jing2, Yang Peng3,4
1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;2.General Office of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100125;3.Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;4.China Agricultural Green Development Research Society, Beijing 100081,China
[ Purpose ] The transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture was realized step-by-step for agricultural green development in Taiwan,based on the idea of fine agriculture. Learning the experience of agricultural green development in Taiwan is of great importance to promote agricultural green,efficient and sustainable development in China,where a new stage has been entered for its agricultural-economic-social development at present.[Method ] The overview,successful patterns and experiential enlightenments of agricultural green development in Taiwan was summarized by referring to a great deal of literature and expertise.[Result ] Four successful patterns of agricultural green development in Taiwan were introduced,including Resource Saving and Efficient Utilization Development Pattern,Ecological and Environment-friendly Development Pattern,Green and High-quality Food Supply Pattern,Pest and Disease Green Control and Regulation. Seven experiential enlightenments were put forward,including sticking to the idea of agricultural green development,strengthening the technology research on yield green increment,innovating leisure agriculture vigorously,boosting the innovative development of smart agriculture,implementing the strategy of brand development vigorously,intensifying the management of producing environment,and making full use of digital information platform.[Conclusion ] Decision-making support could be provided though learning the experience of agricultural green development in Taiwan for accelerating agricultural green development,agricultural and rural modernization,and rural revitalization strategy implementation in China.
Key words:  Taiwan  agricultural green development  successful pattern  experiential enlightenment