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四川省农业科学院遥感与数字农业研究所/农业农村部遥感应用中心成都分中心,成都 610066
目的 分析区域资源禀赋与环境条件,针对理县国土空间开发利用问题和风险予以准确分析,识别生态保护极重要区(包括生态极脆弱区),明确农业生产最大合理规模和适宜空间,准确编制国土空间规划,构建国土空间开发保护格局。 方法 文章以《资源环境承载能力和国土空间开发适宜性评价技术指南》为理论指导;高分一号WFV影像为主要数据源,基于“双评价”下的水土流失敏感性评价,选择降雨侵蚀力因子、土壤可蚀性因子、地形起伏度因子、植被覆盖因子构建水土流失敏感性评价指标体系,运用空间分析的方法按技术指南标准对水土流失敏感性进行分级。结果 (1)理县全县水土流失敏感性以中度、高度区域为主(占59.53%),与理县特殊地形构造及全面气候情况较相符;(2)在土壤可蚀性因子、地表起伏度因子和植被覆盖因子影响下,理县全县范围内水土流失面积和敏感性之间存在较为显著的关系。结论 针对不同级别分区提出相应的治理措施,可为农业城镇空间结构优化调整、乡村振兴提供参考,优化国土空间用地布局。
关键词:  国土空间规划  双评价  空间分析  水土流失  用地布局
column:Sensitivity evaluation of soil erosion based on“double evaluation”:a case of Li County of Sichuan
Zhang ZhanHao, Liu YongLing, Ren GuoYe, Zhang Xun, Li YuanHong
Institute of Remote Sensing Application,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Chengdu Branch of Remote Sensing Application Center,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Chengdu 610066
Purpose To analyze the regional resource endowment and environmental conditions,to accurately analyze the problems and risks of the development and utilization of the territorial space of Li County,and to identify the areas of vital importance for ecological protection (including the ecologically fragile areas),the maximum rational scale and suitable space of agricultural production are defined,the territorial space planning is formulated accurately,and the pattern of territorial space development and protection is constructed.Method Based on the “Technical Guide for resource environmental carrying capacity and suitability evaluation of land and space development”issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources,WFV Image No. 1 is the main data source. Based on the sensitivity evaluation of soil and water loss under “Double evaluation”,the sensitivity evaluation index system of soil and water loss was constructed by selecting rainfall erosivity factor,soil erodibility factor,relief factor and vegetation cover factor,the sensitivity of soil and water loss was classified according to the technical guidelines by using spatial analysis method.Result (1)The sensitivity of soil and water loss in the whole county of Li County was 59. 53% in the middle and high regions,which was consistent with the special topography and climate of Li County. (2)According to the analysis of evaluation factors,there is a significant relationship between the area and sensitivity of soil and water loss in Li County county under the influence of soil erodibility factor,surface undulation factor and vegetation cover factor,to provide reference for the direction of soil erosion control in Li County.Conclusion In view of the different level subarea proposes the corresponding governance measure,may provide the reference for the agricultural town spatial structure optimization adjustment,the countryside revitalization,the optimization national territory spatial use land layout.
Key words:  land spatial planning  double evaluation  spatial analysis  soil and water loss  land layout