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【目的】 蝗灾突发性强,传统地面调查及生物学模型方法在时间、空间上不能满足精准防控的需求,且对历史数据依赖度高,利用高分辨率遥感数据监测蝗虫栖息生境的变化,从而实现蝗灾及时、快速监测,对治蝗防蝗具有重要意义。【方法】 文章以埃及南部蝗灾常发区为研究区,基于Sentinel-2卫星数据和地面气象数据、土地利用数据、行政区划数据等,监测植被生长季植被指数及植被覆盖度变化,实现埃及地区蝗虫发生地、发生程度的快速评估。【结果】 2019年6—7月,埃及南部植被覆盖区蝗灾受灾面积比例约为12%,中度及重度以上面积不超6%,整体受灾不严重。【结论】 不依赖于历史数据,从短期植被覆盖度变化入手,可以动态监测蝗灾变化,总体时效性较强、效果较好。
关键词:  蝗虫灾害(蝗灾)  Sentinel-2卫星数据  遥感  植被覆盖度  埃及
Use of Sentinel-2 data to monitor locust plague in Egypt
Huang Qing, Du Yanyan
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
Purpose Locust plague is characteristics of sudden increase,traditional ground investigation and biological model cannot meet the needs of accurate prevention and control in time and space and have high dependence on historical data.The study used high resolution remote sensing data to monitor the change of locust habitat,and achieved the purpose of rapid monitoring,which is of great significance to locust control.Method Taking the locust plague area in southern Egypt as the research area,mainly based on Sentinel-2 satellite data,ground meteorological data,land use data and administrative zoning data,the rapid assessment of the occurrence and degree of locust plague was realized by monitoring the vegetation index and fractional vegetation coverage during vegetation growth season in Egypt.Result The Study showed that locusts affected about 12% vegetation zone in southern Egypt from June-July 2019.Conclusion Independent of the historical data,short-term fractional vegetation coverage changes can dynamically monitor the locust plague with good effect.
Key words:  Locust plague  Sentinel-2 satellite data  remote sensing  fractional vegetation coverage  Egypt