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江苏省农业科学院信息中心,南京 210014
【目的】 为智慧农业领域的决策和技术研发提供信息支撑。【方法】 文章以智慧农业领域专利的申请年、国家、申请人、IPC分类号等数据为分析对象,对智慧农业领域技术研究的发展趋势、分布国家/地区、主要申请人和研究主题进行了分析。【结果/结论】 全球智慧农业技术仍处于成长期,近年来专利申请量增长迅速;我国既是智慧农业相关专利的主要技术来源国,也是专利的主要布局国;国内专利申请主要集中在江苏省、广东省、浙江省、山东省、安徽省等东南部经济较发达地区;申请人中企业申请人的专利数量最多,但是高产和高质量申请人主要是大专院校、科研单位以及部分国外企业;申请人集中度经历了先上升再下降的趋势,领域的竞争态势趋向激烈;不同申请人专利的法律状态、技术布局差异较大;全球智慧农业领域专利聚类共形成智慧种植、智慧养殖、智慧装备、环境控制、数据感知、数据传输、机器视觉和灌溉等几个研究主题。
关键词:  智慧农业  技术创新态势  专利计量
Analysis of global technology innovation of smart agriculture from the perspective of patent
Sun Yiwei, Guo Ting, Dai Hongjun, Ren Ni
Information Center,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanjing 210014,China
Purpose Provide information support for decision-making and technology research and development in the field of smart agriculture.Method Taking the application year,country,applicant and IPC classification number of patents in the field of smart agriculture as the analysis object,this paper analyzes the development trend,distribution countries / regions,main applicants and research topics of technology research in the field of smart agriculture.Result/Conclusion The global smart agriculture technology is still in the growth period,and the number of patent applications has increased rapidly in recent years;China is not only the main technology source country of smart agriculture related patents,but also the main distribution countries of patents;domestic patent applications are mainly concentrated in Jiangsu,Guangdong,Zhejiang,Shandong,Anhui and other Southeast economically developed areas;among the applicants,the number of enterprise applicants is the largest,but the high-yield and high-quality applicants are mainly colleges and universities,scientific research institutions and some foreign enterprises;the concentration of applicants has experienced a trend of first rising and then falling,and the number of patent fields is relatively small The patent cluster in the field of global smart agriculture has formed several research topics,such as smart planting,smart breeding,smart equipment,environmental control,data perception,data transmission,machine vision and irrigation.
Key words:  smart agriculture  the trend of technological innovation  patentometrics