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【目的】 农村宅基地制度改革是国家全面推进乡村振兴战略实施的重要任务,但目前普遍存在宅基地基础数据缺失等问题,迫切需要加快推进宅基地基础信息调查各项工作。【方法】 文章详细分析了党中央对推进农村宅基地相关改革工作的指示与当前改革工作的各项要求,明确了加快推进宅基地基础信息调查工作的重大作用,结合当前农村宅基地制度改革试点工作中宅基地基础信息调查的相关要求与薄弱环节,以及结合农村不动产权籍调查等相类似工作,提出了宅基地基础信息调查工作的优化方法。【结果】 该文着重于宅基地基础信息调查工作的总体思路、工作重点与技术方法,围绕调查成果的推广应用提出了相应建议。【结论】 加快实施宅基地基础信息调查工作,有助于宅基地改革试点县全面摸清宅基地基本情况、利用现状,形成宅基地基础信息数据库,为建设宅基地管理信息系统和实现宅基地数字化管理提供重要基础数据,也为宅基地制度改革目标的实现提供基础数据支撑。
关键词:  农村宅基地  宅基地基础信息调查  宅基地制度改革  政策分析
Priorities and methodology of elementary information survey of rural homestead in piloting counties of rural homestead system reform
Wang Boqi1,2, Zhang Baohui1,2, Fan Beilei3, Shi Yun1,2
1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;2.Yangtze River Delta Academy of Smart Agricultural,Suzhou 215300,China;3.Agricultural Information Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
Purpose The reform of the rural homestead system plays a crucial role in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization strategy. However,there are still some problems,such as the lack of primary data. Hence it is urgent to accelerate the survey in the elementary information of rural homesteads.Method This paper analyzed the requirements of the Party Central Committee on promoting related reform work,clarified the significant role of accelerating the survey in elementary information,and designs the optimization method according to current works requirement and weaknesses,and relevant rural housing system reform.Result This paper focuses on the general guidelines,priorities and technical methods of the survey in elementary information of rural homestead system and suggestions on the promotion and application of the survey results.Conclusion Accelerating the implementation of elementary information survey of the rural homestead is of prioritized importance for system reform piloting counties,which is helpful to clarify status quo of the utilization of rural homestead,develop database,provide essential information for goals of rural homestead system reform and relevant digitized managing system.
Key words:  rural homestead  survey in elementary information of rural homestead  rural homestead system reform  policy analysis