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1.唐山市自然资源和规划局,河北唐山 063000;2.河北农业大学资源与环境科学学院,保定 071000;3.石家庄师兄弟土地环境技术服务有限公司,河北石家庄 050000
【目的】 根据农用地分等成果,开展耕地质量提升潜力测算和整治分区研究,探索提升耕地质量建设效益的有效途径。【方法】 文章以河北省唐山市四区为研究区,基于2017年农用地分等成果数据,构建国家自然质量等与利用等别可提升潜力模型,而后进行可实现潜力分析与整治分区。【结果】 研究区内国家自然等和利用等的现实等别较低,提升潜力较大;通过将表层土壤质地、灌溉保证率、土壤有机质含量、排水条件、盐渍化程度和剖面构型等6项分等因素提升至理论最高值,国家自然质量等别提高的总面积为80 330.04 hm2。其中,国家自然质量等别提高4等的总面积为3 371.04 hm2,全部集中在古冶区;提高1~3等的总面积为76 959.00 hm2,集中在丰南区和丰润区。通过将表层土壤质地等6项分等因素提升至理论最高值,国家利用等别提高的总面积为84 361.18 hm2。依据排列组合原理和国家利用等别可实现潜力提升区叠加分析,研究区内耕地质量限制组合因素为灌溉保证率+土壤有机质型、剖面构型+表层土壤质地型、剖面构型+灌溉保证率型、盐渍化程度+排水条件型、灌溉保证率型。【结论】 可为高标准农田建设项目选址布局提供技术支撑。
关键词:  土地整治  耕地质量  整治分区  工程分区  农用地分等
Study on the potential of cultivated land quality improvement and remediation division based on the results of agricultural land classification
Jia Xufei1, Zheng Jianle2, Sun Kai1, Zhang Zhichao1, Ding Chao3
1.Natural Resources Bureau of Tangshan,Hebei Tangshan 063000,China;2.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,Hebei Agricultural University,Hebei Baoding 071000,China;3.Shijiazhuang Brothers Land Environmental Technology Service Co.,Ltd.,Hebei Shijiazhuang 050000,China
Purpose In order to explore effective ways to improve the construction efficiency of cultivated land quality,it is possible to carry out the calculation of cultivated land quality improvement potential and the study of remediation zones based on the results of agricultural land grading.Method This article takes the four districts of Tangshan City,Hebei Province as the research area,Based on the 2017 agricultural land classification results of Tangshan City,establish a model for the improvement of the national natural quality and utilization levels for analysis,and then conduct an analysis of the achievable potential and land consolidation zoning.Result Result shows that(1)The actual level of natural classification and utilization of countries in the study area is low,and the potential for improvement is large;(2)After the analysis of achievable potential,the equal-weighted average of country utilization in the study area is 11.2 and can be increased to 9.4. The potential is great;(3)Combining the various grading factors in the study area to carry out land remediation zoning,and propose different land remediation combination projects for different regions,in order to maximize the arable land classification under the most economical conditions.Conclusion This research not only enriches the related theoretical research on the improvement of cultivated land quality,but also provides practical technical guidance for actual land improvement planning.
Key words:  land consolidation  quality of cultivated land  remediation of districts  engineering division  farmland classification