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目的 探讨干旱区植被覆盖度与当地气象数据的关系,为当地农业发展和天然绿洲的维持提供基础数据。方法 文章通过提取2000—2017年艾比湖流域植被覆盖度,结合气候数据分析了近十几年流域植被覆盖度在时间与空间上的变化特征,并建立与气候因子的关系。结果 (1)近18年艾比湖流域平均植被覆盖年均值多在0.25~0.45之间波动。艾比湖流域植被覆盖度总体上呈现四周高、中间低的特征;流域西部植被覆盖度高、逐渐向东方向植被覆盖度变低。(2)2000—2017年艾比湖流域年均植被覆盖度与当地降水呈同步性变化,两者间有显著正相关关系;在降水量少的年份(2000年、2006年、2008年、2012年、2014年)植被覆盖度也低。(3)气温增加速度高于降水增加的速度。(4)流域内植被覆盖度与流域耕地面积变化均表现为增加的趋势。结论 相对于过去的绵绵细雨气候,目前暴雨增多,是目前总降水量未减少的主要原因之一。相对于过去,当前气温上升速度增加。
关键词:  降水  气温  NDVI  艾比湖流域
Response of vegetation coverage to climate in the EbinurEbinur Lake basin,Xinjiang
Chen Yu1, Zhang Peng2
1.Xinjiang Energy Research Institute Co. LTD Urumqi 830063,China;2.Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography,Chinese academy of science,Urumqi 830011,China
Purpose To discuss the relationship between vegetation coverage and local temperature and precipitation in arid area,we take the Ebinur Lake basin as an example.Method The variations characteristics and relationship of vegetation coverage distribution and climatic factors were analysis,based on data of extraction of the vegetation coverage and combination with climatic data of the Ebinur Lake basin from 2000 to 2017.Result The main conclusions are as follows:(1)Vegetation coverage in the Ebinur Lake Basin fluctuated between 0.25 and 0.45 in the past 18 years. On the whole,the vegetation coverage in Ebinur Lake Basin is high around the periphery and low in the middle. The vegetation coverage is high in the western part of the basin and gradually decreases in the eastward direction. (2)There was a positive correlation between annual vegetation coverage and local precipitation in Ebinur Lake Basin from 2000 to 2017. NDVI was also low in the years (2000,2006,2008,2012,and 2014)with low rainfall. (3)Temperature increases faster than precipitation. (4)The change of vegetation coverage and cultivated land area showed an increasing trend.Conclusion Compared with the drizzle climate in the past,there is more heavy rain,which may be one of the main reasons for the total precipitation not decreasing at present,and compared with the past,the current temperature rise rate is increasing.
Key words:  precipitation  temperature  NDVI  Ebinur Lake Basin