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1.北京市丰台区植保植检站,北京 100061;2.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
目的 近年来,丰台区坚持“预防为主、综合防治”,按照绿色生态、支农惠农、政府主导、公开自愿的原则,积极推广应用绿色防控技术,文章对丰台区绿色防控技术示范推广的实践工作进行思考,分析工作成效和存在的问题,并为未来发展提供对策建议。方法 该文以丰台区农业园区管理者、技术员及不同层级主管部门负责人等为调查对象,对辖区绿色防控技术的示范推广现状与问题需求情况进行问卷调研分析,并通过一对一现场访谈、文献资料查阅相结合的方式开展研究。结果 丰台区绿色防控技术示范推广工作取得了一定成效,丰台区绿色防控体系全面建成、绿色控药成果显著、农业效益明显提升,促进了辖区绿色农业的可持续发展。但还应认识到目前仍存在着一些问题和不足,绿色防控成本较高、科学防控意识不强、集中统防难度较大、扶持政策仍然不足。结论 针对丰台区绿色防控技术示范推广工作实践中存在的问题,需要采取更加积极的行动举措,进一步宣扬绿色理念,加大政府投入、创新防控技术、强化市场建设,持续提升绿色防控整体水平,全面推动丰台区农业高质量发展。
关键词:  绿色农业发展  生物防治技术  物联网智能防控技术  农药减量增效  绿控实践研究
Practice and thinking on the promotion of green prevention and control technology in Fengtai District
Xu Jianping1, Shao Changliang2
1.Plant Protection and Inspection Station of Fengtai District,Beijing 100061,China;2.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Agricultural Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
Purpose In recent years,Fengtai District has endeavored to promote the application of green prevention and control technology by upholding the principle of “Put prevention first and combine prevention with treatment”. Fengtai District has been working to make sure green and ecological measures are adopted,agriculture is supported and farmers could enjoy the benefits. Government leads this process while farmers could participate on a public and voluntary basis. By discussing the practice of Fengtai District in spreading green prevention and control technology standards,whose merits and shortcomings are also analyzed,this paper proposes suggestions for future solutions to promote further development.Method A survey method was used to detect the status of the popularization of green prevention and control technology in the district,and to investigate problems and needs facing further progresses. Literature review,online survey and in-person survey were also used to interview personnel in charge of the Fengtai District Agriculture Park,technician of the green prevention and control technology,and persons responsible for competent authorities at different levels.Result The results show that positive effects achieved in that a green prevention and control system established,pesticide reduction obtained prominent progress,and the agricultural benefits significantly improved,effectively promoting sustainable development of green agriculture in the district. However,it should also be noted that there are still some problems and shortcomings needed to be overcome. The cost of green prevention and control is high,the awareness of scientific prevention and control is not strong enough,centralized and unified prevention is faced with great difficulties,and the supporting policies are still insufficient.Conclusion The problems facing the popularization of green prevention and control technologies require us to take more active actions to further promote the spread of green concept,increase government investment,innovate prevention and control technologies,strengthen market construction,and continue to make efforts in improving the overall level of green prevention and control,and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of agriculture in Fengtai District.
Key words:  green agriculture development  biological control technology  IoT intelligent prevention and control technology  pesticide usage reduction and efficiency enhancement  green control practice and research