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1.泰山科技学院 建筑工程学院,山东泰安271000;2.泰安市城市管理综合服务中心,山东泰安271000;3.山东农业大学 信息科学与工程学院,泰安271000
目的 无人机倾斜摄影三维建模具有低成本、高效率和精度高等优点,成为实景三维建模的主流方法,进一步提高大范围实景三维建模效率和精细度,可为实景三维中国建设提供数据支撑和技术支持。方法 文章以山东省泰安市岱岳经济开发区为研究区,借助哈瓦无人机获取倾斜摄影测量数据,通过Smart3D软件构建实景三维模型,并提出了针对研究区内不同地物的分等级模型修饰方法。同时,采用DP-Modeler软件实现实景三维模型的单体化处理,联动3DMax建模软件对三维模型进行精细化修饰。结果 高效完成研究区分等级精细化实景三维模型,取得良好效果,并进一步探讨了实景三维模型在智慧城市、灾害应急处理、城市规划和国土规划设计方面的应用。结论 该技术方法提高了大范围实景三维建模作业效率,对大范围实景三维模型的精细化建模具有一定参考价值。
关键词:  Smart3D  无人机  倾斜摄影  三维建模
Research on 3D modeling method of UAV tilt photography based on smart3D
Niu Lei1, Tan Wenhui2, Qiu Jianzhuang3, Zhang Feng3
1.School of Architectural Engineering,Taishan College of Science and Technology,Shandong Tai’an 271000,China;2.Tai’an City Management Comprehensive Service Center,Shandong Tai’an 271000,China;3.School of Information & Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,Tai’an 271018,China
Purpose The 3D modeling method of UAV tilt photography has the advantages of low cost,high efficiency,and high precision. It has become the mainstream method of real 3D modeling,further improving the efficiency and precision of large-scale real 3D modeling,and provide data support and technical support for real-scene 3D Construction in China.Method In this paper,Daiyue Economic Development Zone of Tai’an City in Shandong Province is taken as the research area,Harwar UAV tilt photography is used to acquire data,the real 3D models are built with the Smart3D modeling software,and a method of hierarchical model modification for different ground features in the study area is proposed. At the same time,the DP-Modeler software is used to realize the monomer processing of real 3D model,the 3D model is refined by 3DMax modeling software.Result The research area has efficiently completed the hierarchical and refined real 3D models,which has achieved good results,and further discusses the application of real 3D model in smart city,disaster emergency treatment,urban planning,land planning and design.Conclusion The technical methods in this paper improve the efficiency of large-scale 3D real modeling and have a certain reference significance to the fine modeling of large-scale 3D real modeling.
Key words:  smart3D  unmanned aerial vehicle  oblique photography  3D modeling