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1.上海亚新城市建设有限公司,上海200436;2.自然资源部大都市区国土空间生态修复工程技术创新中心, 上海200436
【目的】 河道底泥是土壤和水体重金属在地球化学循环中的特殊载体,而农业河道底泥作为农业生态系统中重金属污染的重要来源却被鲜少注意到。【方法】 文章选取水系发达的上海市某处典型农业圩区,收集河道底泥,依照相关技术要求和标准进行镉(Cd)、汞(Hg)、砷(As)、铅(Pb)、铬(Cr)、铜(Cu)、镍(Ni)和锌(Zn)等8项重金属的含量检测,采用地积累指数结合检测结果的空间分异特征分析和讨论了研究区域内重金属的环境风险和特点。【结果】 结果表明,研究区内农业河道底泥中重金属含量符合国家标准;部分样点Cu、Hg和Pb超出当地背景值1倍以上,且Cu和Hg的地积累指数达到或接近了中风险;但样点检测值在空间上关联不明显。【结论】 研究区农业河道重金属以点源来源积累为主的Cu和Hg为首、一定程度上受环境影响的Pb积累为次的重金属环境风险。
关键词:  圩区河道  底泥  重金属  环境风险
Spatial distribution and environmental risk of heavy metals in sediment of polder,Shanghai
Liu Yizhu1,2
1.Shanghai Yaxin Urban Construction Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200436,China;2.Technology Innovation Center for Land Spatial Eco-restoration in Metropolitan Area,Ministry of Natural Resources,Shanghai 200436,China
[Purpose] River mud sediment is now getting extensive attention in recent years,for its role as a carrier between soil and water in geochemical cycle of heavy metals. However,the mud from irrigation channels are barely engaged.[Method] this research detected 8 heavy metals (Cd,Hg,As,Pb,Cr,Cu,Ni and Zn)which are always demanded in environmental in standards in channel mud from polder in Shanghai,a typical paddy area. Compared the outcomes with local background values,Geoaccumulation Indice (GI),as well as their spatial variabilities.[Result] The results showed that all elements in the mud have met environmental standards,but Cu,Hg and Pb in some samples clearly exceeded correspondent background values,some GI of Cu and Hg reached or pretty close to medium risk level,and inconspicuously spatial association of elements.[Conclusion] The results indicated that the study area is more likely receiving pollutants from point sources,while the prime and minor risks of heavy metals are Cu and Hg,and Pb,respectively.
Key words:  irrigation channels  sediment mud  heavy metal  environmental risk