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四川省农业科学院遥感与数字农业研究所,成都 610066
【目的】 应用时空大数据分析近年来成都郊区典型农业乡镇的农业土地利用变化的特征,为开展乡镇农业土地利用评估、农业产业结构调整优化和乡村振兴提供信息支撑。【方法】 文章使用Sentinel-2A多光谱影像、Google Earth高分辨率真彩色合成影像和WorldView-2影像相结合的数据源,提取研究区农业空间土地利用信息,通过莫兰指数、热点分析和景观格局指数分析农业土地利用变化特征。【结果】 ①园地较其他类型的聚集效应明显,呈现典型热点和冷点区域,其中热点主要分布于研究区西部的丘陵区域,冷点区域分布于东部的平原区域。②土地利用斑块变化指数表明耕地、园地和设施农用地变化明显,耕地平均面积减少,园地和设施大棚平均面积显著增加。【结论】 郊区乡村地区农业土地利用及作物用地类型存在显著聚集效应,粮油种植业则随着其他作物、大棚及水产养殖等产业发展,聚集效应逐步下降。农业用地逐步由单一粮油产业主导转为粮油、蔬菜、水果、水产养殖等多元结构,土地斑块特征受农业产业的规模化、专业化程度发展影响明显。
关键词:  集聚特征  热点分析  景观格局  斑块  乡镇尺度
Spatial clustering and patch change characteristics of agricultural land use in Chengdu suburbs
Jiang Yi, Dong Xiuchun, Li Zongnan, Liu Zhongyou, Ren Guoye, Li Zhangcheng
Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Agriculture,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066,China
[Purpose] In order to provide information support for carrying out agricultural land assessment in townships,agricultural industry restructuring and optimization,and rural revitalization,spatio-temporal big data are used to analyze the characteristics of agricultural land use changes in typical agricultural townships in the suburbs of Chengdu in recent years.[Method] First,we collected Sentinel-2A multispectral images,Google Earth platform high-resolution true color composite images and WorldView-2 images to form a data source. Then,The data source was used to extract agricultural spatial land use information in the study area and analyze agricultural land use change characteristics through Moran index,hot spot analysis and landscape pattern index.[Result] ①The aggregation effect of orchard land was obvious compared with other types,showing typical hot spot and cold spot areas,where the hot spots were mainly distributed in the hilly areas in the west of the study area ,and the cold spot areas were distributed in the plain areas in the east. ②The land use patch change index showed that the average area of arable land,orchard land and facility agricultural land changed significantly,with the average area of arable land decreasing and the average area of orchard land and facility greenhouses increasing significantly.[Conclusion] There is a significant aggregation effect of agricultural land use and crop land types in suburban rural areas,while the aggregation effect of grain and oil cultivation gradually decreases with the development of other crops,greenhouses and aquaculture industries. Agricultural land has gradually changed from a single grain and oil industry dominated to a diversified structure of grain and oil,vegetables,fruits and aquaculture,etc. The characteristics of land patches are obviously influenced by the development of the scale and specialization of agricultural industries.
Key words:  agglomeration characteristics  hotspot analysis  landscape pattern  patches  township scale