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1.江苏省基础地理信息中心,南京 210003;2.江苏师范大学地理测绘与城乡规划学院,徐州221116
【目的】 分析徐州市2015—2020年农业用地的时空变化,厘清徐州市农用地时空变化特征,为相关部门土地政策的宏观调控提供数据支持。【方法】 基于2015—2020年徐州市地理国情监测数据,采用单一土地利用动态度、地理空间数据可视化以及景观格局指数对徐州市农业用地时空变化情况进行分析。【结果】 研究表明:①2015—2020年,旱地、水田、果园是徐州市主要农业用地类型,占总农业用地的94%;②在时间序列分布上,农业用地总面积逐年增长,水田、桑园种植面积逐年减少,旱地、设施农用地种植面积逐年增加,果园和苗圃呈现先减少后增加的变化趋势,其他农业用地呈波浪性上升趋势;③在空间分布上,徐州市水田种植有明显的河湖集聚现象,桑园和果园种植较为集中,桑园分布在中心城区南部,果园主要分布在徐州市西北部的丰县以及东北部的邳州市,设施农用地集中分布在徐州市西北部的沛县以及与沛县相邻的铜山区的西北部区域;④在景观格局上,徐州市农业用地破碎度加强,但是斑块边缘有效性和稳定性增强。【结论】 2015—2020年,徐州市农业用地面积逐年增长,整体景观破碎化加剧。其中,水田、桑园面积逐年减少,旱地、果园、苗圃、设施农用地、其他农用地整体呈增加趋势。
关键词:  地理国情监测  农业用地  景观格局指数:土地利用变化
Analysis of temporal and spatial changes of agricultural land in Xuzhou from 2015 to 2020
Wang Jahui1, Sun Zhuoer1, Yu Yao1, Li Qiannan1, Yan Juan2
1.Provincial Geomatics Center of Jiangsu,Nanjing 210003,China;2.School of Geography Geomatics and Planning,Jiangsu Normal University,Xuzhou 221116,China
[Purpose] The spatial-temporal change of agricultural land in Xuzhou from 2015 to 2020 was analyzed to clarify the spatial-temporal change characteristics of agricultural land in Xuzhou,providing data support for macro-control of land policies of relevant departments.[Method] Based on the monitoring data of Xuzhou's geographic and national conditions from 2015 to 2020,the temporal and spatial changes of agricultural land in Xuzhou were analyzed by using a single land use dynamic degree,geospatial data visualization and landscape pattern index.[Result] From 2015 to 2020,dry land,paddy fields and orchards are the main types of agricultural land in Xuzhou,accounting for 94% of the total agricultural land;In terms of time series distribution,the total area of agricultural land increases year by year. The agricultural area of ??paddy fields and mulberry orchards decreases year by year. The area increased year by year,the orchards and nurseries showed a trend of first decreasing and then increasing,and other agricultural lands show a wavy upward trend;in terms of spatial distribution,paddy fields in Xuzhou had obvious agglomeration of rivers and lakes,and mulberry orchards were more concentrated. Mulberry orchards were distributed in the south of the central city,orchards were mainly distributed in Fengxian in the northwest of Xuzhou and Pizhou in the northeast. The dryland was the most widely distributed;in terms of landscape pattern,the fragmentation of planted land in Xuzhou was enhanced,but the effectiveness and stability of the patch edge were enhanced.[Conclusion] From 2015 to 2020,the area of agricultural land in Xuzhou had increased,and the landscape fragmentation intensified. Among them,the area of paddy fields and mulberry orchards was decreasing,while dry land,orchards,nurseries,facility agricultural land,and other agricultural land were increasing overall.
Key words:  geographical condition monitoring  planted land  landscape pattern index