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【目的】 实现宅基地信息化管理的重要途径是建设宅基地管理信息系统,综合利用宅基地相关数据和信息系统,在县域范围内实现宅基地统一数字化管理,为全面推进乡村振兴战略和数字农业农村发展规划实施提供宅基地数字化支撑。【方法】 文章分析了目前已建的县级宅基地管理信息系统现状,总结了系统功能的基本需求,明确了系统设计的重点内容,并根据以上内容提出了现阶段县级宅基地管理信息系统建设的系统总体设计、系统结构设计和系统数据共享等建设重点。【结果】 昆山市以实现宅基地数字化管理为目标,构建宅基地基础信息数据采集、数据库管理、宅基地权属信息管理、宅基地利用现状管理、宅基地“一张图”空间分析、宅基地审批、宅基地盘活利用、宅基地监测监管和宅基地信息共享服务多个子系统。选择B/S和微服务架构,采用Java和C语言开发,利用Portal、工作流和WebGIS等技术,实现宅基地数字化管理体系提供数据采集、数据应用和数据服务等。【结论】 建设宅基地管理信息系统,有助于宅基地制度改革和管理的顺利实施,也符合宅基地数字化管理目标。县级宅基地管理信息系统要从宅基地制度改革和管理的需求分析出发,因地制宜进行系统设计,打通宅基地相关的信息“孤岛”,实现数据共享,方便服务各类用户,满足各级政府电子政务服务、统计分析和决策支持。
关键词:  农村宅基地  管理信息系统  数据共享
The establishment of rural homestead management information system on county level
Wang Boqi1,2, Zhang Baohui1,2, Xu Yuguo3, Shi Yun1,2
1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;2.Yangtze River Delta Academy of Smart Agricultural,Suzhou 215300,China;3.Shanghai Feiwei Information Technology Co. ,Ltd,Shanghai 201111,China
[Purpose] The establishment of management information system is the important method of administrating homestead. The information system integrated comprehensive utilization related data of real estate and other information systems on county level and boost the unified digital management of homestead as policy advising supports in promoting rural revitalization strategy and important supports for implementation of the digital agriculture and rural development planning.[Method] This paper analyzes the status quo of rural homestead management information system on county level with summarizing the basic needs of system function and main contents of system design,and generate the system overall design,system structure design,data sharing and other key constructions on the county level.[Result] With the workflows,Kunshan has established the homestead digital management with the following key elements and subsystems:data collection,database management,information management of the land ownership,management of rural homestead and land use,"one map"-spatial analysis,homestead approval,optimal housing land,land monitoring regulation and data sharing service. Advanced technologies including Browser/Server and microservice architecture,Java and C,Portal,workflow and WebGIS skills were also used to realize the digital management system of homestead.[Conclusion] The establishment of homestead management information system can boost the implementation of homestead system reform and management with matching the goal of digital management of homestead. The county-level homestead management information system should take initials with demands analysis of the homestead system reform and management as well as local conditions,and integrate each elements of information management for facilitating e-government services,statistical analysis,decision support,and the all-around services.
Key words:  rural homestead  management information system  data sharing