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1.农业农村部大数据发展中心,北京 100125;2.农业农村部规划设计研究院,北京 100125
【目的】 基于高分辨率影像提取农村宅基地空间分布,可以快速、便捷获取农村宅基地空间分布信息。【方法】 文章选择黑龙江省安达市吉星岗镇作为研究区,基于高分辨率正射影像,采用人工目视解译方法获取了研究区农村宅基地空间分布信息,并利用房地一体农村宅基地和集体建设用地使用权确权登记颁证工作成果对其精度进行了验证。【结果】 (1)吉星岗镇共有宅基地5 897宗,总面积640.76 hm2,平均每宗宅基地面积为1 095.61 m2。(2)吉星岗镇宅基地在空间上总体分布零散,但在行政村内分布相对紧凑,基本上以自然屯为单元,集中分布在自然屯内某个区域。(3)吉星岗镇宅基地数量和面积总体精度分别为81.86%、91.87%,10个行政村宅基地数量精度在72.55%~88.47%之间,面积精度在82.94%~99.92%之间。(4)与实测法、倾斜摄影测绘法、勘丈测绘法等方法相比,基于高分辨率正射影像,采用人工目视解译方法获取宅基地空间信息,操作简单、成本低、工作周期短。【结论】 该文成果可为研究区农村宅基地改革和管理提供数据支撑,该方法为获取农村宅基地空间信息的方式提供了参考。
关键词:  农村宅基地  高分辨率影像  空间分布  精度分析
Acquisition for the spatial information of rural residential land based on the high-resolution image
Yi Xiangsheng1, Hu Hualang1, Han Xu1, Han Wei1, Fu Ye1, Liu Sai1, Yin Yanyu2, Zhang Wei1, Gu Xiaoshan1, Zhao Yumeng1
1.Big Data Development Center,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China,Beijing 100121,China;2.Academy of Agricultural Planning and Engineering,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China,Beijing 100125,China
[Purpose] In order to acquire the spatial information of rural residential land quickly and conveniently,the Jixinggang town in the Anda city of Heilongjiang Province was selected as the study area.[Method] Based on the high-resolution image,the spatial information of rural residential land in the study area was acquired by using the method of visual interpretation. In addition,based on the results of confirmation and registration of the right to house and rural residential land integration and rural collective construction land use right,the accuracy of rural residential land was tested.[Result] Four important conclusions of this research were list as follows. (1)There were 5 897 rural residential lands in the study area. The total area of rural residential land in the Jixinggang town was 640.76 hm2,and the average area of rural residential land was 1 095.61 m2. (2)The rural residential lands dispersed in general in the whole region of the Jixinggang town. However,the rural residential lands compacted in the internal administrative villages,which mainly distributed intensively in one region of village group. (3)The total number and area accuracies of rural residential land in the Jixinggang town were 81. 86%and 91.87%respectively. The number accuracies of the ten administrative villages were between 72.55%and 88.47%,and the area accuracies of the ten administrative villages were from 82.94% to 99.92%. (4)Compared to other methods,such as field survey,slope photography,the method for acquiring the information of rural residential land by using the high-resolution image and the method of visual interpretation was simpler operation,lower cost and less time.[Conclusion] The important conclusions from this research could not only provide the data support for improving the management and reform of rural residential land in the study area,but also would be helpful for planning the agricultural development. The method in this study would became an important method for acquire the information of rural residential land.
Key words:  rural residential land  high-resolution image  spatial distribution  accuracy analysis