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1.农业农村部大数据发展中心,北京 100125;2.农业农村部规划设计研究院,北京 100125
【目的】 建立统一的农村宅基地代码编制规则是开展农村宅基地信息化管理的基础性工作。【方法】 在吸收、消化国内外相关编码的基础上,文章将宅基地所有权人、农户、宅基地、宅基地使用权人和农民房屋作为农村宅基地编码内容,提出了相应的代码结构、编码方法和赋码规则,并以安达市吉星岗镇吉星村为例,对编码进行了应用。【结果】 (1)各编码内容体现了农村宅基地的权利要素构成,符合农村宅基地基础信息调查工作的实际需要;(2)各编码内容以行政区划编码为基础,符合国家行政管理原则,能够与其它相关编码体系进行有效衔接,有助于农村宅基地信息的交换和共享;(3)以宅基地所有权人为基础进行统一编码,能够很好地反映各编码内容之间的内在关系,有利于农村宅基地信息化管理。【结论】 研究对提高农业农村行政主管部门工作效率和促进农村宅基地管理信息化建设具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。
关键词:  宅基地所有权人  农户  宅基地使用权人  宅基地  农民房屋
Research and application of coding rules for the rural residential land:a case for the Jixing village of Jixinggang town in Anda city
Yi Xiangsheng1, Hu Hualang1, Xu Jiajun1, Zhao Chunmei1, Yin Yanyu2, Zhao Yumeng1, Gu Xiaoshan1, Wang Yaxin1, Zhang Ruxia1, Li Fengxia1
1.Big Data Development Center,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China,Beijing 100121,Chian;2.Academy of Agricultural Planning and Engineering,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China,Beijing 100125,Chian
[Purpose] The coding of rural residential land is basic work for the informational management of rural residential land.[Method] Based on the related codes at home and abroad,the owner of the rural residential land,peasant household,user of the rural residential land,rural residential land and farmhouse unit were chosen as the coding targets,and the coding structure,coding method and coding rule of above coding targets were also proposed in detail. In addition,in order to apply the the coding rules for the rural residential land,the Jixing village of Jixinggang town in Anda city was selected as a case.[Result] Three important results were obtained from this research,which were listed as follows. (1)The coding targets reflected consist of the right for the rural residential land,and fit for the actual requirement of the survey in elementary information of rural residential land. (2)Based on the code of administrative regionalization,the codes of five coding targets could satisfy with the administrative management,and effectively join the other related coding systems. The coding in this study could also be helpful for sharing and exchanging. (3)Other coding targets were under the owner of the rural residential land on the basis of the relationships among the right elements,which not only reflected the internal relationships for the coding targets,but also were helpful for the informational management of rural residential land.[Conclusion] This research had theoretical and practical significance for improving the efficiency of agriculture and rural administrations and promoting the information construction of the rural residential land.
Key words:  owner of the rural residential land  peasant household  user of the rural residential land  rural residential land  farmhouse unit