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1.德清县农业农村局,浙江湖州 313000;2.上海飞未信息技术有限公司,上海 201107
【目的】 以浙江德清县“宅富通”系统建设与实践为例探索数字化赋能宅基地制度改革迭代升级的途径,为落实宅基地制度改革政策,加强宅基地监督管理,激活宅基地资源要素,各地亟需加强宅基地改革与数字化改革的衔接,不断拓宽宅基地改革与管理的创新路径。【方法】 文章着重介绍德清县农村宅基地管理信息系统“宅富通”的建设内容与目标、系统总体架构设计、系统功能开发与实现,围绕系统建设和应用提出了思路。 【结果/【结论】 德清县通过建立农村宅基地管理信息系统“宅富通”,在充分利用已有资源、整合已建系统的基础上,围绕宅基地申请、审批、流转、退出、违法用地查处等重点业务提供数字化服务。德清县积极推进宅基地数字化管理,赋能闲置宅基地盘活利用,贯彻“最多跑一次”改革和数字化改革的理念及要求,打通业务数据壁垒、探索完善宅基地制度改革路径,推进宅基地管理模式创新,提高闲置宅基地和农房盘活利用效率。
关键词:  宅基地制度改革  农房盘活利用  数字化改革  宅富通
Discussion on the construction ideas and practice of “Zhai-Fu-Tong” system in Deqing county
Zhou Weiguo1, Zhou Yini1, Zhang Cong2, Lan Juan2, Li Jing2
1.Deqing County Agricultural and Rural Bureau,Huzhou,Zhejiang 313000,China;2.Shanghai Feiwei Information Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,Shanghai 201107,China
[Purpose] Taking the construction and practice of the“Zhai-Fu-Tong”system in Deqing County,Zhejiang Province as an example,to explore the iterative upgrading of the reform of the homestead system through digitalization. In order to implement the reform policy of the homestead system,strengthen the supervision and management of homesteads,and activate the resources of homestead It is necessary to strengthen the connection between homestead reform and digital reform,and continuously expand the management innovation path of homestead reform and management.[Method] The article focuses on the construction content and objectives of the rural homestead management information system“Zhai-Fu-Tong”in Deqing County,the overall system architecture design,and the development and implementation of system functions,and puts forward ideas around the system construction and application.[Result/Conclusion] Deqing County has established a rural homestead management information system“Zhai-Fu-Tong”,and on the basis of making full use of existing resources and integrating the existing system,it provides digital services for key businesses such as homestead application,approval,circulation,withdrawal,and illegal land use investigation and punishment. Deqing county actively promotes the digital management of homesteads,empowers the revitalization and utilization of idle homesteads,implements the concept and requirements of the“run at most once”reform and digital reform,breaks through business data barriers,explores and improves the reform path of the homestead system,and promotes the homestead management model. Innovation to improve the utilization efficiency of idle homesteads and farm houses.
Key words:  homestead system reform  utilization of rural houses  digital reform  Zhai-Fu-Tong