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1.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京100081;2.农业农村部农业生态与资源保护总站, 北京100125
【目的】 外来物种入侵给生态、经济、社会带来严重负面影响,已成为各国政府、国际社会和学术界共同关注的焦点问题。凤眼蓝作为我国危害最严重的外来入侵物种之一,给我国南方地区生态系统以及农林牧渔业生产造成巨大损失,对于凤眼蓝的精准监测和防控已刻不容缓。【方法】 文章综述了近年来国内外有关凤眼蓝遥感监测的研究进展,传统可见光遥感、高光谱遥感与雷达遥感等数据源投入使用,光谱特征、纹理特征、动态特征、物候特征等图像特征应用使监测精度进一步改善,机器学习等多种方法融合应用。【结果/结论】 该文总结了凤眼蓝入侵发生扩散规律及预警技术,在监测预警技术方法上,以凤眼蓝的生理、生态特征为基础,运用生态学理论,结合3S技术,不再局限于单一的模型方法上开展,天-空-地一体化多模型综合监测已成为趋势,外来入侵凤眼蓝规模化、业务化监测预警能力进一步提升。围绕外来入侵物种“源头防控、末端治理”的理念,探讨基于遥感监测技术的精准、高效防控途径。
关键词:  凤眼蓝  遥感监测  预警  入侵机理  源头防控
Advances in remote sensing monitoring of invasive alien plant Eichhornia crassipes
Li Shuzhen1, Zhang Hongbin2, Wang Xu1, Xu Dawei1, Chen Baorui1, Zhao Yue1
1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;2.Rural Energy and Environment Agency,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100125,China
[Purpose] Invasive alien species bring serious negative impact on ecology,economy and society,which has become the focus of attention of governments,international community and academia. As one of the most serious invasive alien species in China,the Eichhornia crassipes has caused great losses to the ecosystem and agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery production in southern China. It is urgent to monitor and control Eichhornia crassipes accurately.[Method] At home and abroad in recent years was reviewed in this article the research progress of remote sensing monitoring Eichhornia crassipes,traditional optical remote sensing,hyperspectral remote sensing data sources,such as radar remote sensing,spectral characteristics,texture characteristics,dynamic characteristics,phonological features such as image applied to further improve the monitoring precision,machine learning methods such as fusion applications.[Result/Conclusion] In terms of monitoring and early warning technology,based on the physiological and ecological characteristics of Eichhornia crassipes,ecological theory and 3S technology,the monitoring and early warning technology is no longer limited to a single model method. Space-space-earth integrated multi-model comprehensive monitoring has become a trend. The scale and operational monitoring and early warning capabilities of external invasion have been further improved. Based on the concept of "prevention and control at the source and treatment at the end,the precise and efficient prevention and control approach based on remote sensing monitoring technology was explored.
Key words:  Eichhornia crassipes  remote sensing monitoring  early warning  invasion mechanism  source control