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1.商丘师范学院 信息技术学院,河南 商丘,476000;2.贵州省农业区域经济发展中心,贵阳 550001;3.浙江财经大学 土地与城乡发展研究院,杭州 310018;4.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
【目的】 全球变化背景下,利用遥感手段实时获取区域农业干旱信息并分析其时空变化特征,是有效进行农业监测预警、保障区域粮食安全的有效途径。【方法】 文章以河南省为研究区域,综合遥感、气象、土壤等多源数据,基于“金字塔”型多层级土壤水分估算模型框架反演土壤水分含量;利用土壤水分状态指数(SMCI)对2000—2020年河南省的农业干旱情况进行监测,分析其农业干旱发生的空间分布和时空变化特征。【结果】 21年间,河南省农业干旱平均发生4.408 9次/年,主要发生在春季和夏季,集中在3月和6月,以轻度干旱和中度干旱为主;秋季和冬季农业干旱则有加剧的变化趋势。河南省SMCI年平均值呈总体上升趋势,其中2019年SMCI平均值最高,农业干旱情况加重;河南省近54%区域农业干旱程度表现出显著加剧的变化趋势,集中分布在东部和中部地区。【结论】 河南省农业干旱情况呈现明显加重的趋势,应及时监测预警、科学应对,减轻其对农业生产的影响程度。
关键词:  干旱  农业  多源数据  遥感  河南省
Spatialtemporal variation characteristics of agricultural drought in Henan Province based on multi-source data
Fang Ying1, Huang Yujie2, Shen Ge3, Zou Jinqiu4
1.School of Information Technology,Shangqiu Normal University,Shangqiu Henan 476000,China;2.Guizhou Agricultural Regional Economic Development Center,Guiyang 550001,China;3.Institute of Land and Urban-Rural Development,Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics,Hangzhou 310018,China;4.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose] Under the background of global change,it is an effective way to obtain regional agricultural drought information in real time and analyze its spatiotemporal variation characteristics by remote sensing.[Method] Taking Henan Province as the research area,this paper integrated multi-source data such as remote sensing,meteorology and soil,and retrieved soil moisture content based on the“pyramid”multi-level soil moisture estimation model framework. Soil moisture status index(SMCI)was used to monitor agricultural drought in Henan Province from 2000 to 2020,and the spatial distribution and spatial-temporal variation characteristics of agricultural drought were analyzed.[Result] During the 21 years,the average agricultural drought occurred 4. 408 9 times per year in Henan Province,mainly in spring and summer,concentrated in March and June,with mild drought and moderate drought predo-minating. The agricultural drought in autumn and winter showed an increasing trend. The annual average value of SMCI in Henan Province showed an overall upward trend,and the average value of SMCI in 2019 was the highest,and the agricultural drought situation was aggravated. The degree of agricultural drought in nearly 54% of the regions in Henan Province showed a significant trend of worsening,concentrated in the eastern and central areas.[Conclusion] The agricultural drought situation in Henan Province showed an obvious trend of aggravation. It is necessary to timely monitor and early warning,scientific response,and reduce its impact on agricultural production.
Key words:  drought  agriculture  multi-source data  remote sensing  Henan Province