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【目的】 在“数字地球”大背景下,从国际视角认清我国农业发展的现状与态势,找准其优势与劣势,采取积极对措,使我国尽快实现由农业大国向农业强国迈进。【方法】 文章以我国为研究对象,通过我国与亚洲4国及亚州4国平均、欧洲8国平均及北美洲2国平均4个方面的9个指标,运用了统计分析、比较与综合等方法进行比较分析。【结果】 我国农业自然条件用水效率有待提升,化肥用量依然有很大减量空间;从农林牧渔业就业人口的比重和农业增加值占GDP比重劳动就业条件看,虽呈明显下降趋势,但仍相对较高;基础设施条件虽大有改善,但公路密度、互联网网民比重及千人拥有移动电话量明显滞后,有很大提升空间;农业营商环境和信贷融资便利度方面,虽进步速度最快,但距离一流强国还有较远距离。【结论】 我国农业应继续加强水资源利用率研究,减少化肥施用量,促进农业资源高效利用和绿色发展;继续加大一二三产业融合和农业产业化步伐,降低农林牧渔业产值占GDP比重和农林牧渔业就业人口比重,促进国家工业化发展来反哺农业;继续加大农业基础设施投资和建设力度,以尽快提高公路密度和互联网网民比重等,提高农业现代化步伐;继续加快营商环境改革创新力度,使农业企业化和社会化服务全方位提档升级,以促进我国由农业大国向农业强国迈进。
关键词:  国际农业发展条件  大数据比较  中国农业  发展态势
Research on the trend of agricultural development in China based on the big data comparison of international agricultural development conditions
Guo Shumin
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 10081,China
[Purpose] Under the background of“digital Earth”,in order to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of China's agricultural development from the international perspective in terms of agricultural development conditions,we should take positive measures to make our country stride forward from agricultural power to agricultural power as soon as possible.[Method] Taking China as the research object,this paper uses the methods of statistical analysis,comparison and synthesis through the average of China and 4 countries in Asia and 4 countries in Asia,8 countries in Europe and 2 countries in North America and 9 indicators in 4 aspects.[Result] China’s agricultural water use efficiency needs to be improved,and there is still much room to reduce the number of chemical fertilizers. Although the proportion of the employed population in agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,and fishery and the proportion of agricultural added value in GDP showed a significant downward trend,they were still relatively high. The density of highways,the proportion of Internet users,and the number of mobile phones per thousand people lag,and there is much room for improvement. The ranking of the agricultural business environment and ease of credit and financing has made the fastest progress,but there is still a long way to go from being a first-class country.[Conclusion] China’s agriculture should continue to strengthen the research on the utilization of water resources,reduce the number of chemical fertilizers,and promote the efficient use of agricultural resources and green development. We will continue to increase the integration of primary,secondary,and tertiary industries and the industrialization of agriculture,reduce the share of the output value of agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,and fishery in GDP and the share of the employed population in agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,and fishery,and promote national industrialization to nurture agriculture. We will continue to increase investment in and construction of agricultural infrastructure to increase the density of highways and the proportion of Internet users and so on as soon as possible and accelerate the pace of agricultural modernization. We will continue to accelerate the reform and innovation of the business environment and upgrade agricultural enterprises and social services in an all-around way,to promote our agricultural development from a large country to a strong country.
Key words:  conditions for international agricultural development  big data comparison  China agriculture  development trend