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福州市勘测院有限公司,福建福州 350000
【目的】 为实现对农业农村各类数据资源统一管理与服务,支撑农业农村大数据体系建设,为农业农村业务工作提供决策支撑。【方法】 文章利用物联网设备、业务信息采集、智慧城市时空大数据平台数据共享等多种方式,结合农业农村业务中涉及的农业、乡村振兴、经营主体等数据,采用数据治理方法,融合成为动态更新的农业农村时空“一张图”,为市-县区-乡镇-农企/合作社/家庭农场提供四级服务,基于大数据分析,探索了产业关联、农业计划指导、乡村振兴建设、农业经营主体等方面的分析应用。 【结果/结论】 基于GIS技术、物联网技术和大数据分析等新一代技术,通过农业农村数据融合治理与共享应用分析,不仅为农业农村大数据建设提供基础,而且为农业农村的高效管理、科学决策提供有效支撑,促进数字乡村的建设。
关键词:  数字农业农村  乡村振兴  时空“一张图”分析应用  物联网
Construction and analysis of spatial-temporal “One Map” for agriculture and rural affairs
Wang Yanxia
Fuzhou Investigation and Surveying Institute CO. LTD.,Fuzhou Fujian 350000,China
[Purpose] The management of agriculture and rural affairs includes the germplasm,agricultural environment,agricultural materials investment,agricultural products circulation,rural living environment improvement and rural revitalization,and so on.[Method] Spatial-temporal“one map”of agriculture and rural affairs was constructed by collecting data from internet of things,business information and spatial-temporal big data platform of smart city,integrating with governed agricultural and rural business data,such as agricultural data,data of rural revitalization,and new types of agricultural businesses. It could provide four-level services for urban,county and township agricultural and rural administrative departments besides new types of agricultural businesses. In addition,it researched the analysis of industrial relationship,agricultural planning guidance,rural vitalization construction,and agricultural businesses and so on. It might provide data foundation and aided analysis for the construction of digital agriculture and rural areas and rural vitalization. [Result/Conclusion] Adoption of new technologies such as GIS (Geographic Information System),internet of things,big data analysis,the data of agriculture and rural affairs can lay the foundation of big data,and support efficient management and scientific decision after data government and applied analysis.
Key words:  digital agriculture and rural areas  rural vitalization  spatial-temporal“one map”  analytical application  internet of things