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1.四川省农业科学院遥感与数字农业研究所,成都 610066;2.射洪市自然资源和规划局,四川遂宁 629200
【目的】 基于乡村振兴以及乡镇旅游业加速发展的背景下,对大熊猫国家公园内卧龙镇主要的旅游资源和经济社会状况进行分析,评价汶川县卧龙镇整体的旅游韧性。【方法】 文章通过对卧龙镇的基础资料分析研究和实地踏勘,从安全防控、生态环境、旅游模式、服务人群四个方面综合评价研究区旅游韧性。【结果】 卧龙镇整体旅游韧性亟需提升,安全防控韧性较差,减灾防灾的应急能力和医疗服务保障力较弱;生物多样性较好,但随着经济发展生态韧性不断减弱,一定程度上限制了旅游的发展;卧龙镇服务人群韧性较其他几项韧性稍强,但在增加就业岗位,扩大市场客源方面也需加强。【结论】 针对4个不同的方面提出提升乡镇旅游韧性的建议,提出构建防减灾技术支撑体系、绿色交通体系、基础设施体系、服务保障体系四大支撑体系;生态方面集约用地,避免旅游过度开发,建立多元治理体系;经济韧性发展上多元产业,强化农旅融合,提升产业链韧性。改善原有的乡镇旅游模式,使得乡镇的本土风貌、人文特色依托于乡镇旅游得以传承。
关键词:  乡镇旅游  旅游韧性  乡村振兴  生态环境  安全防控  经济发展
Assessment of township tourism based on resilience assessment method:a case study of Wolong Town,Wenchuan County
Zhang Xiaoting1, Wang Li2, Zhang Xun1, Fu Chengping1, Chen Junjia1, Wei Lai1
1.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Agriculture of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066,China;2.Shehong Natural Resources and Planning Bureau,Suning Sichuan 629200,China
[Purpose] Based on rural revitalization and the villages and towns under the background of accelerating development of tourism industry,a national park for the giant panda at the Wolong town's main tourist resources and economic and social conditions were analyzed,and the evaluation of the study area tourism toughness.[Method] Through the analysis and research of basic data and field survey of Wolong Town,the tourism resilience of the study area was evaluated from four aspects:safety prevention and control,ecological environment,tourism mode and service population.[Result] It was concluded that the resilience of safety prevention and control was poor,and the emergency response ability and service support ability of disaster reduction and prevention were weak. The biodiversity was good,but the ecological resilience was weakened with the economic development,which limited the development of tourism to a certain extent. The resilience of the service population in Wolong Town is slightly stronger than that in other areas,but it also needs to strengthen in terms of increasing jobs and expanding market customers.[Conclusion] Suggestions were put forward to improve the resilience of township tourism from four different aspects,and four supporting systems were proposed,namely,the technical support system of prevention and disaster reduction,the green transportation system,the infrastructure system and the service guarantee system. In terms of ecology,land use should be intensified to avoid overexploitation of tourism,and multiple governance systems should be established. In terms of resilient economic development,we should diversify industries,strengthen the integration of agriculture and tourism,and enhance the resilience of industrial chains. Improve the original township tourism mode,so that the local style of the township,cultural characteristics relying on the township tourism can be inherited.
Key words:  town tourism  tourism resilience  rural revitalization  ecological environment  safety prevention and control  economic development