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1.浙江大学环境与资源学院,杭州 31005;2.浙江大学地球科学学院,杭州 310058
【目的】 安吉白茶产业逐年扩大,但在生产、加工、销售、服务等环节的管理欠缺智能化的监管与调控。建立安吉白茶全产业链绿色生产信息服务平台,加强安吉白茶的质量安全管理,保障茶叶的全过程管理,完善安吉白茶的全产业链智能化。【方法】 服务平台基于地理信息技术、数据库技术和网络技术,开发基于Web GIS的全产业链信息服务平台,平台综合时空可视化表达、相关数据分析、地图定位导航、文件传输、权限管理等技术方法,划分出绿色种植服务、绿色生产服务和绿色监管服务3个应用模块。【结果】 服务平台实现农业物联网、遥感影像和人工输入等多源信息采集技术,完成对关键生产要素的实时监控。集成白茶种植专家系统,为农户提供农事提醒、施肥建议、病害咨询等建议,保障绿色种植。对白茶进入生产企业后的生产加工、加工包装、储运交易等环节全程数字化管控,实现白茶产品全流程溯源,助力绿色生产。对监管单位以图表形式展示多源数据,包括种植现状分布、产量汇总与预测、灾害分布预测预警等,协助政府与公众监督整个产业链完整、健康发展。【结论】 该系统实现从生产到销售全程溯源管理,保障白茶产品的绿色品质,为构建具有县域特征的绿色发展支撑体系打下基础。
关键词:  大数据  云计算  安吉白茶全产业链  绿色服务
Design and application of green production information service platform for the whole industry chain of Anji white tea
Xie Tieli1, Wu Wenqiang1, Chen Haoxiang1, Wu Honghai2, Zhou Lianqing1
1.College of Environmental and Resource Sciences,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 31005,China;2.School of Earth Sciences,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 31005,China
[Purpose] Anji white tea industry is expanding year by year,but the management of production,processing,sales,service lacks intelligent supervision and regulation. Establish a green production information service platform for the whole industry chain of Anji white tea,strengthen the management of Anji white tea,ensure the whole process management of tea,and improve the intelligence of the whole industry chain of Anji white tea.[Method] The service platform is based on geographic information technology,database technology and network technology,and develops an information service platform for the entire industry chain based on Web GIS,divided into three application modules:green planting service,green production service and green supervision service.[Result] The service platform collect multi-source information from agricultural Internet of Things,remote sensing images and manual input and completes real-time monitoring of key production factors. The white tea planting expert system is integrated to provide farmers with agricultural reminders,fertilization advice,disease consultation and other advice to ensure green planting. After the white tea enters the production enterprise,the whole process of production and processing,processing and packaging,storage and transportation transactions are digitally controlled,so as to realize the traceability of the whole process of white tea products and help green production. It displays multi-source data in the form of graphs for regulatory agencies,including planting status distribution,yield summary and forecast,disaster distribution forecast and early warning to assist the government and the public to supervise the complete and healthy development of the entire industrial chain.[Conclusion] The system realizes the whole-process traceability management from production to sales,guarantees the green quality of white tea products,and lays the foundation for the construction of a green development support system with county characteristics.
Key words:  big data  cloud computing  whole industry chain of Anji white tea  green service