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1.四川省农业科学院遥感与数字农业研究所,成都 610066;2.四川省农业科学院智慧农业科学技术中心,成都 610066;3.北京四维纵横数据技术有限公司,北京 101399
【目的】 为智慧果园管理和综合服务提供技术支撑。【方法】 传统的数据库无法满足智慧果园多模态数据融合和全场景查询分析等问题,文章通过分析智慧果园数据来源和应用逻辑,以都市龙泉驿现代农业园区为示范应用,从多级数据局部存储策略、冷热数据存储和空间数据存储等方面探索了存储策略,提供了一站式数据库解决方案。【结果】 该解决方案满足果园数据高效存储、管理的需求,结果显示YMatrix充分发挥了其高吞吐、低延迟、高并发、准实时数据加载等优点。【结论】 该研究为数字农业和果园数字化基础设施建设和农业数字孪生建设提供技术参考,为实现现代化智慧农业提供经验。
关键词:  超融合数据库  果园大数据  MPP架构  存储策略  数字果园
Analysis of storage strategy of hyperconvergence timing database in orchard big data
Guo Tao1,2, Li Zongnan1,2, Yao Yandong3, Huang Ping1,2, Wang Si1,2, Wen Yanqing3
1.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Agriculture,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066,China;2.Intelligent Agricultural Science and Technology Center,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066,China;3.Beijing Four Dimensions Data Technology Co.,Beijing 101399,China
Purpose Technical support is provided for intelligent orchard management and comprehensive services.Method As traditional databases cannot address such problems as multi-modal data fusion and full-scene query analysis in intelligent orchards,the paper explores storage strategies in terms of multi-level data local storage strategies,hot and cold data storage as well as spatial data storage by analyzing the data sources and application logic of intelligent orchards and taking the urban Longquanyi Modern Agricultural Park as a demonstration to provide a one-stop database solution.Result The solution meets the requirements of efficient storage and management of orchard data. The results show that YMatrix gives full play to its excellent features such as high throughput,low latency,high concurrency and quasi-real-time data loading.Conclusion This paper provides technical reference for digital agriculture,orchard digital infrastructure construction and agricultural digital construction,and provides experience for realizing modern intelligent agriculture.
Key words:  Hyper-converged database  orchard big data  MPP architecture  storage strategy  digital orchard