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【目的】 随着土壤调查数据体量增大,已有分析制图效率无法满足成果产出需求,需要一套数据分析制图软件集合,降低土壤调查数据的分析制图门槛,提高制图效率,助力土壤调查成果的有效沉淀。【方法】 文章基于B/S架构的软件设计模式,采用了WebGIS技术用于处理用户与制图要素的交互,采用了虚拟化技术用于算法环境的隔离,采用流式文件读写技术处理大体量数据的输入输出,采用了WebGL渲染着色技术用于制图成果的可视化,从算法和应用两个维度设计了土壤制图工具各组件的逻辑关系与交互模式。【结果】 设计实现了土壤调查成果制图软件,集成了IDW反比例加权插值算法,克里格插值算法和随机森林算法等算法函数,开发了土壤质量评价,土壤肥力评价和土壤适宜性评价等功能模块,实现了操作步骤原子化,计算过程固定化,计算参数可配置。【结论】 在保证精度的前提下,有效降低了土壤制图难度,提高土壤制图的效率。
关键词:  土壤制图  软件设计  制图算法
Design and implementation of soil survey results mapping software
Che Zijin, Li Huibin, Jia Qu, Song Jiayun, Shi Yun
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,CAAS
Purpose As the volume of soil survey data increases,the existing analysis and mapping efficiency cannot meet the output demand of results. A set of data analysis and mapping software set is needed to reduce the analysis and mapping threshold of soil survey data,improve the mapping efficiency,and help the effective precipitation of soil survey results.Method This article is based on the software design pattern of B/S architecture and utilizes WebGIS technology for user interaction with mapping features. It employs virtualization technology to isolate the algorithmic environment,stream-based file read/write techniques to handle large data input/output,and webGL rendering and shading techniques for mapping visualization. From the perspective of both algorithmic development and application,logical relationships and interaction modes between components of the soil mapping tool are designed.Result A soil survey mapping software was designed and implemented,which integrated several algorithm functions including IDW inverse distance weighted interpolation algorithm,Kriging interpolation algorithm,and random forest algorithm. In addition,functional modules for soil quality evaluation,soil fertility evaluation,and soil suitability evaluation were developed. The software also achieved the atomization of operational steps,standardization of calculation processes,and configurability of calculation parameters.Conclusion On the premise of ensuring accuracy,it effectively reduces the difficulty of soil mapping and improves the efficiency of soil mapping.
Key words:  soil mapping  software design  cartographic algorithm