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1.湖北大学资源环境学院,武汉 430062;2.深圳市城市空间规划建筑设计有限公司,广东深圳 518000;3.鄂北地区水资源配置工程建设与管理局,武汉 430062
【目的】 对区域生态脆弱性进行评估和分析,有利于了解区域生态环境稳定性和指导生态修复。【方法】 文章依据武汉市自然环境特点,采用“压力—状态—响应”评价模型,基于土地利用数据、遥感数据和GIS空间分析技术,利用熵权法、综合指数法和聚类分析等方法,构建评价体系,测算武汉市生态脆弱性综合指数,从生态角度分析武汉市生态脆弱性及其空间分布规律。【结果】 (1)武汉市整体生态脆弱性在0.17~0.55之间,总体上处于轻度脆弱;各区生态脆弱性具有空间异质性,由东北向西南生态脆弱性越来越强,全市西部脆弱性高于东部,特别是西南部地区生态脆弱性较为严重。(2)武汉市各区生态脆弱性等级由高到低依次是蔡甸区、青山区、硚口区、汉阳区、江汉区、江岸区、江南区、武昌区、东西湖区、黄陂区、江夏区、洪山区、新洲区。【结论】 武汉市南部及中心城区生态脆弱性等级较高且大部分位于长江沿岸,应加强其生态防护屏障建设力度;北部生态脆弱性相对较轻,但生态问题依然不能忽视。
关键词:  武汉市  生态脆弱性  压力—状态—响应(PSR)模型  遥感
Spatial differentiation of ecological vulnerability in Wuhan based on PSR model
Chen Zhaoxia1, Yu Jing1, Zhong Zhe2, Bao Dan3, Zhang Youtian1, Li Ming1
1.School of Resources and Environment,Hubei University,Wuhan 430062,China;2.Shenzhen Urban Space Planning Architectural Design Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen,Guangdong 518000,China;3.Construction and Administration of Water Resources Allocation Project in Northern Hubei,Wuhan 430062,China
【Objective】 Assessing and analyzing regional ecological vulnerability is beneficial for understanding the stability of regional ecological environment and guiding ecological restoration.【Method】 Based on the characteristics of Wuhan’s natural environment,the evaluation model of " pressure-state-response" was adopted,and the entropy weight method,comprehensive index method and cluster analysis were used to construct an evaluation system. Based on land use data,remote sensing data and GIS spatial analysis technology,a comprehensive index of ecological vulnerability was calculated to analyze the ecological vulnerability and spatial distribution patterns of Wuhan City from an ecological perspective.【Result】 The results indicate that:(1)The overall ecological vulnerability of the research area ranged from 0.17 to 0.55,and was generally in a mild state of vulnerability. The ecological vulnerability of each district had spatial heterogeneity,and the ecological vulnerability from northeast to southwest was becoming stronger and stronger. The vulnerability in the west of the city was higher than that in the east,especially in the southwest. (2)The ecological vulnerability level of each district in Wuhan City was distributed from high to low in Caidian District,Qingshan District,Qiaokou District,Hanyang District,Jianghan District,Jiang'an District,Jiangnan District,Wuchang District,Dongxihu District,Huangpi District,Jiangxia District,Hongshan District,and Xinzhou District.【Conclusion】 The ecological vulnerability level in the southern and central urban areas of Wuhan is relatively high,and most of them are located along the Yangtze River. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of ecological protection barriers. The ecological vulnerability in the northern region is relatively light,but ecological issues cannot be ignored.
Key words:  Wuhan  ecological fragility  Pressure-State-Response(PSR)model  remote sense