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1.成都理工大学生态环境学院,四川成都 610059;2.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081;3.四川省华地建设工程有限责任公司,成都 610081;4.四川蜀西地质工程勘测集团有限公司,成都 611730
【目的】 全面评价草地生态系统质量,筛选确定草地参照生态系统。【方法】 文章基于遥感数据,从生态系统结构、生态系统功能与生态系统服务三方面选取指标构建生态系统质量评价体系及综合指数;引入Holdridge生命地带模型,进行生态地理分区;基于生态系统质量评价和生态地理分区结果对草地各分区开展参照生态系统筛选和质量评估;选取各个生态区前10%的值作为质量基线,高于质量基线的区域选为参照生态系统。【结果】 (1)2000—2020年甘孜州草地生态系统的质量呈现出北部低南部高的趋势。(2)草地生态系统可划分为34个生态区,剔除面积小于10 km2的分区,在后续草地参照生态系统筛选中涉及27个分区。(3)基于生态系统综合评价、生态系统结构、生态系统功能和生态系统服务筛选出的草地参照生态系统的面积分别为5 328.75 km2、5 323.75 km2、5 274.75 km2和5 274.25 km2【结论】 为受损草地生态系统确定参照生态系统,分析评价生态系统退化程度并判断其恢复能力,以及研究区的生态修复计划、目标和最终评估提供依据与基准。
关键词:  参照生态系统  生态系统质量  生态系统分区
Research on selecting of grassland reference ecosystem based on remote sensing:A case study of Ganzi,China
Huang Zengjing1, Chen Shengbing1, Shao Changliang2, Huang Wenjie1, Chen Zhiyang3, Li Xianfu4
1.School of Ecology and Environment,Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu 610059,China;2.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;3.Sichuan Huadi Construction Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610081,China;4.Sichuan Shuxi Geological Engineering Survey Group Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 611730,China
【Purpose】 To completely assess the quality of the grassland ecosystem,as well as to screen for and identify the grassland reference ecosystem.【Method】 Based on remote sensing data sources,the ecosystem quality evaluation system and comprehensive index were constructed by selecting indicators from three aspects of ecosystem structure,ecosystem function and ecosystem service. The Holdridge Life Zone model was introduced to carry out ecological geographical division. Based on the results of ecosystem quality assessment and eco-geographical regionalization,the reference ecosystem screening and quality assessment were carried out for each partition of grassland. The top 10% of each ecological zone was selected as the quality baseline,and the area higher than the quality baseline was selected as the reference ecosystem.【Result】 The quality of grassland ecosystem in Ganzi Prefecture from 2000 to 2020 showed a trend of low in the north and high in the south;The grassland ecosystem was classified into 34 ecological zones,excluding zones with less than 10 km2 in area,and 27 of these zones were engaged in the subsequent selection of grassland reference ecosystems;The area of grassland reference ecosystem based on comprehensive evaluation of ecosystem,ecosystem structure,function and service were 5 328.75 km2,5 323.75 km2,5 274.75 km2 and 5 274.25 km2,respectively.【Conclusion】 This paper provides a simple and clear method,which is helpful to determine the reference ecosystem for the damaged grassland ecosystem,analyze and evaluate the degree of ecosystem degradation,and judge its recovery ability when carrying out ecological restoration. It provides the basis and benchmark for the ecological restoration plan,goal and final evaluation of the study area.
Key words:  reference ecosystem  ecosystem quality  ecosystem division