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1.农业农村部大数据发展中心,北京 100125;2.中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所国家数字种植业(果园)创新分中心,郑州 450009;3.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
【目的】 深入了解国家智慧农业发展现状,找准制约其现阶段发展的主要问题,对助力我国农业高质量发展、推进农业强国建设具有重要意义。【方法】 文章对重庆市、河北省两地11个县(区、市)智慧农业应用场景进行实地走访调研,系统分析了数字化技术和智能设施装备在大田生产、设施种植、畜禽养殖和水产养殖等领域的发展现状,以及智慧农业应用落地存在的难点。【结果】 现阶段我国智慧农业发展在各地虽取得了一定成效,但在硬件设施、数据管理和技术推广等方面仍存在不少亟待解决的问题。【结论】 提出加大智慧农田基础设施建设、加强智慧农业关键技术装备研发、推广农业农村大数据公共平台基座、实施智慧农业人才培养计划、制订实施农业农村数据管理办法、建设智慧农业集成应用示范基地等六方面应对举措,以推动我国智慧农业高速发展。
关键词:  智慧农业  应用现状  问题  对策
Current situation,challenges and countermeasures of smart agriculture development:Analysis based on Chongqing City and Hebei Province
Han Wei1, Cao Jie1, Shi Zhifeng1, Chen Jinyong2, Yu Qiangyi3
1.Big Data Development Center,Minstry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100125,China;2.National Digital Planting(orchard)Innovation Sub Center of Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute,CAAS,Zhengzhou 450009,China;3.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planing,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
【Purpose】 This study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the current status of smart agriculture development and to identify the primary constraints hindering its current-stage progress in China, which is crucial for supporting the high-quality agricultural development and the construction of an agricultural powerhouse.【Method】 This study, based on field visits and research conducted in 11 counties (districts,cities) of Chongqing City and Hebei Province, meticulously analysed the development status of digital technology and intelligent facility equipment in fields such as field cultivation, facility planting, livestock and poultry farming, and aquaculture as well as the challenges and difficulties associated with the implementation of smart agriculture applications.【Result】 At the present stage, although the development of smart agriculture in China has made some achievements in various places, there are still many problems to be solved in hardware facilities, data management and technology promotion.【Conclusion】 This study proposes 6 key countermeasures to promote the rapid development of smart agriculture in China: intensifying the construction of foundational infrastructure for smart agricultural fields, enhancing the research and development of critical smart agricultural technologies and equipment, promoting the foundational establishment of agricultural and rural big data public platforms, implementing a talent cultivation program for smart agriculture, formulating and implementing measures for the management of agricultural and rural data, and establishing integrated smart agriculture application demonstration bases.
Key words:  smart agriculture  current application status  problems  countermeasures