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中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/北方干旱半干旱耕地高效利用全国重点实验室,北京 100081
目的 全面测度我国农业农村信息化发展水平及其时空变化,并揭示关键影响因素。方法 文章利用我国30个省(市、自治区,不包含西藏、港、澳、台)的面板数据,运用空间计量模型等方法,对2010—2021年农业农村信息化的发展情况进行综合评价。结果 (1)当前我国农业农村信息化发展综合水平为0.398,总体仍然偏低。(2)2010—2021年我国农业农村信息化发展水平呈现出逐年提升态势,年均增长率为1.22%;从空间差异看,我国农业农村信息化呈现出“东高西低、南高北低”的特征。(3)人均GDP、城镇化率和农村平均受教育程度分别在1%、5%和1%的显著性水平上对农业农村信息化具有正向影响。结论 (1)抓住数字乡村与农村信息化建设的历史机遇提升农业农村信息化发展综合水平,(2)打破信息壁垒,持续缩小农业农村信息化的地区差异。
关键词:  农业农村信息化  水平测度  时空变化  影响因素
Measurement and evaluation of the development level of agricultural and rural informatization in China
Li Fuduo, Yin Changbin
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning/ State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
Purpose Comprehensively measure the development level of China's agricultural rural informatisation measurement and its spatial and temporal changes,and reveal the key influencing factors.Method The article used the panel data of 30 provinces in China(excluding Tibet,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan),and applied the spatial measurement model and other methods to make a comprehensive evaluation of the development of agricultural rural informatisation in 2010-2021.Result (1)The current comprehensive level of China's agricultural and rural informatisation development was 0.398,which was still low in general. (2)During the period of 2010-2021,the development level of agricultural and rural informatisation in China had shown a year-on-year improvement trend,with an average annual growth rate of 1.22%;from the point of view of spatial differences,agricultural and rural informatisation in China showed the characteristics of“high in the east,low in the west,high in the south and low in the north”. (3)GDP per capita,urbanisation rate and average education level in rural areas had positive influence on agricultural and rural informatisation at 1%,5% and 1% significance levels respectively.Conclusion (1)We should seize the historical opportunity of digital village and rural informatisation construction to improve the comprehensive level of agricultural and rural informatisation development;(2)We should break the information barriers and continue to reduce the regional differences in agricultural and rural informatisation.
Key words:  agricultural and rural informatisation  level measurement  spatial and temporal changes  influencing factors