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1.江苏省农业科学院农业信息研究所/农业农村部长三角智慧农业技术重点实验室,南京 210014;2.北方干旱半干旱耕地高效利用全国重点实验室/农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室/中国农业科学院 农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
【目的】 理清长三角区域农业遥感发展现状,剖析现阶段农业遥感应用关键问题及挑战,有助于推进区域农业遥感关键技术创新发展,促进农业遥感产业化瓶颈问题解决,提升遥感技术在区域农业农村现代化转型发展中的服务能力。【方法】 文章梳理了农业遥感研究现状及区域内遥感应用实践情况,归纳总结了农业遥感应用面临的困难与挑战,给出了区域内农业遥感产业化落地应用发展的建议。【结果】 现阶段长三角区域农业遥感研究应用虽然取得了一定成效,但区域内地物类型复杂多变、农业用地斑块破碎、有效遥感数据缺失、淡水养殖解译困难是现阶段农业遥感应用面临的重要挑战。【结论】 长三角地区需要聚焦农业遥感科学问题,深入关键技术创新,将遥感技术的优势进一步扩大。同时面向区域内产业特色需求,着力解决农业生产管理实际问题,以推动区域农业遥感快速发展。
关键词:  长三角  农业遥感  应用实践  发展建议
Application of agricultural remote sensing in the Yangtze River Delta
Mao Xing1, Zhang Xin1, Wang Baojia1, Duan Yulin2, Li Weiguo1, Ren Ni1
1.Agricultural Information Institute,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ Key Laboratory of Intelligent Agricultural Technology(Changjiang Delta),Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,P. R. China,Jiangsu Nanjing 210014,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China/ Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/ Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
【Purpose】 Sorting out the current situations of agricultural remote sensing development in the Yangtze River Delta and analyzing the key issues and challenges of agricultural remote sensing application at this stage will help to promote the development of key technological innovations in agricultural remote sensing in the region,facilitate the solution of bottlenecks in the industrialization of agricultural remote sensing,and enhance the service capability of remote sensing technology in the transformation and development of regional agricultural and rural modernization.【Method】 This paper sorted out the current status of agricultural remote sensing research and the practice of remote sensing application in the Yangtze River Delta,summarized the difficulties and challenges faced by the application of agricultural remote sensing,and put forward recommendations for the development of agricultural remote sensing industrialization on the ground and application in the region.【Result】 At the present stage,although the application of agricultural remote sensing research in the Yangtze River Delta has achieved certain results,the complexity and variability of land features,the fragmentation of agricultural land patches,the lack of effective remote sensing data,and the difficulty in deciphering freshwater aquaculture are the important challenges faced by the application of remote sensing in agriculture at the present stage.【Conclusion】 The article proposes that the Yangtze River Delta still needs to focus on the scientific problems of agricultural remote sensing and deepen the key technological innovations to further expand the advantages of remote sensing technology. At the same time,facing the needs of industrial characteristics in the region,efforts should be made to solve the practical problems of agricultural production management,so as to promote the rapid development of agricultural remote sensing in the region.
Key words:  Yangtze River Delta  agricultural remote sensing  application practices  development suggestions