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1.广东省农业科学院农业经济与信息研究所/农业农村部华南都市农业重点实验室,广州 510640;2.北方干旱半干旱耕地高效利用全国重点实验室/农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室/中国农业 科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
【目的】 深入了解华南地区农业遥感研究态势,明晰华南地区农业遥感领域的研究现状、热点与前沿问题,对推动华南地区农业遥感研究发展具有重要意义。【方法】 文章基于知识关联法和文献计量方法,以Web of Science核心引文库为数据源进行主题检索,对华南地区农业遥感研究相关文献元数据进行检索分析,包括发文趋势、关键词共现、研究领域与技术热点等内容。【结果】 2003-2023年华南地区农业遥感研究主要有4个特点:(1)研究经历了起步(2010年以前)、波动发展(2011—2015年)和加速发展(2016年以后)3个阶段,研究热度不断上升;(2)研究强调应用性,关注作物生长和土壤、气候、病虫害等生产要素;(3)研究着眼华南地域特色,关注天然橡胶、香蕉和甘蔗等热带亚热带作物的产业问题;(4)研究重视技术创新,创新和发展了一批农业遥感数据获取和分析技术手段。【结论】 面向华南地区农业科技创新与农业可持续发展的需求,应重点开展热带亚热带农业资源遥感调查与监测、拓展农业领域无人机遥感的精准农业应用、充分挖掘与发挥多模态和多尺度数据的优势、拓展人工智能与大数据等新技术的创新与应用等。
关键词:  农业遥感  华南地区  知识关联法  文献计量法  Web of Science
Analysis of agricultural remote sensing research in South China based on scientific knowledge map
Jiang Shun1, Feng Shanshan1, Gan Yangying1, Zhang Lei1, Yu Qiangyi2, Zhou Canfang1
1.Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information,Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Urban Agriculture in South China,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Guangzhou 510640,Guangdong,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China/ Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/ Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
【Purpose】 It is of great significance to make deep understanding of agricultural remote sensing research in South China,and to clarify the current research status,hotspots and cutting-edge issues in the field of agricultural remote sensing,so as to promote the development of agricultural remote sensing research in South China.【Method】 In this paper,based on the knowledge association method and bibliometric method,Web of Science core citation database was used as the data source for subject search. This method searched and analyzed metadata related to agricultural remote sensing research in South China,including publication trends,keyword co-occurrence,research fields,and technological hotspots.【Result】 There were 4 main characteristics of agricultural remote sensing research in South China from 2003 to 2023. Firstly,agricultural remote sensing research in South China had gone through three stages of starting(before 2010),fluctuating development(2011-2015)and accelerated development(after 2016),with increasing research fever. Secondly,the researches emphasized applied approach,focusing on crop growth and production factors such as soil,climate,pests and diseases. Thirdly,the researches focused on the regional characteristics of South China and the industrial problems of tropical and subtropical crops,such as natural rubber,bananas and sugarcane. Lastly,the researches emphasized technological innovation,and had innovated and developed lots of technical means for acquiring and analyzing agricultural remote sensing data.【Conclusion】 Facing the needs of agricultural science and technology innovation and sustainable development of agriculture in South China,the following recommendations were put forward:focusing on remote sensing survey and monitoring of agricultural resources in tropical subtropical areas,expanding the application of remote sensing by unmanned aerial vehicles for precision agriculture in the field of agriculture,fully exploiting and giving full play to the advantages of multimodal and multi-scalar data,and expanding the innovation and application of new technologies,such as artificial intelligence and big data.
Key words:  agricultural remote sensing  South China  knowledge association method  bibliometrics  Web of Science