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1.浙江大学农业遥感与信息技术应用研究所,杭州 310058;2.全省农业遥感与信息技术重点实验室, 杭州 310058;3.北方干旱半干旱耕地高效利用全国重点实验室/农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室/ 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
【目的】 农业遥感是中国农业现代化发展的重要技术手段,随着空天遥感技术不断发展,农业遥感步入了快速发展阶段。在中国农业现代化建设的新时期,明确农业遥感发展的新需求和新挑战对于推动农业遥感新发展,更好地服务中国农业现代化具有重要意义。【方法】 文章采用文献综述和总结凝练的方法,回顾和概述了农业遥感技术的发展历程,分析了当前农业遥感发展现状。在中国农业现代化建设新时代背景下,基于国家战略需求提出了当前农业遥感技术发展的新需求,分析了农业遥感技术发展的新挑战。【结果】 (1)当前农业遥感研究覆盖了种植面积提取、长势监测、产量预测、农业气象灾害监测、病虫害监测和气象、土壤等农业环境监测等内容,农业遥感逐渐向更准确、更及时、更自动的方向发展。(2)新时代背景下,农业遥感的新需求主要体现在智慧育种、耕地保护和精细农作等方面;新挑战则主要表现在农业遥感监测层级由表层植被/土壤向根层根系/土壤的发展、遥感观测的时间间隔由周期观测向近实时观测演进、遥感观测尺度由单一尺度向多尺度耦合发展以及遥感观测落脚点由传统的观测结果呈现向实际决策应用的转变。【结论】 农业遥感技术发展新需求和新挑战的提出将有助于研究人员更好地聚焦科研目标,解决国家面临的现实问题,加快中国农业现代化发展。
关键词:  农业遥感  作物遥感  土壤遥感  新需求  新挑战
New demands and challenges for the development of agricultural remote sensing
Wang Fumin1,2, Li Jiale1, Duan Sibo3, Yu Qiangyi3, Ye Su1,2, Xu Tianyue1, Shi Zhou1,2
1.Institute of Applied Remote Sensing & Information Technology,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,Zhejiang,China;2.Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing and Information Technology,Hangzhou 310058,Zhejiang,China;3.State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China/ Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/ Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
【Objective】 Agricultural remote sensing is an important technical means for the development of modern agriculture in China. With the continuous development of space and aerial remote sensing technology,agricultural remote sensing has entered a stage of rapid development. In the new period of China's agricultural modernization,it is of great significance to identify the new demands and new challenges of agricultural remote sensing development for strengthening the development direction of agricultural remote sensing and better serving China's agricultural modernization.【Methods】 Through literature review and summary,the process and current development status of agricultural remote sensing were summarized. Under the guidance of the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,the new demands and new challenges of the development of agricultural remote sensing were put forward and analyzed.【Results】 (1)Currently,the research of agricultural remote sensing covered the extraction of planting area,monitoring of growth,yield prediction,monitoring of agricultural meteorological disasters,pests and diseases,and monitoring of climate,soil and other agricultural environments,etc. Overall,agricultural remote sensing was gradually more accurate,timelier,and more automatic. (2)In the context of the new era,the new demands of agricultural remote sensing were mainly reflected in intelligent breeding,cultivated land protection,and precision farming,etc. The new challenges mainly manifested in the development of agricultural remote sensing monitoring hierarchy from surface vegetation/soil to root layer/ deep soil,the evolution of remote sensing observation time interval from periodic observation to near real-time observation,the development of remote sensing observation scale from single scale to multi-scale coupling,and the transformation of remote sensing observations from traditional observation results to practical decision-making applications.【Conclusions】 The clear understanding of the new demands and challenges of the development of agricultural remote sensing is helpful for researchers and related participants to better focus on the goal,solve the practical problems faced by the country,and accelerate the development of agricultural modernization in China.
Key words:  agricultural remote sensing  crop remote sensing  soil remote sensing  new demands  new challenges