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1.河南省农业科学院农业信息技术研究所,郑州 450002;2.北方干旱半干旱耕地高效利用全国重点实验室/农业 农村部农业遥感重点实验室/中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
【目的】 黄淮海地区是中国重要的粮食生产基地,开展农业遥感研究与应用,对服务国家粮食安全具有重要意义。【方法】 文章通过调研和查阅文献,详细分析了黄淮海地区农业遥感研究进展,并从科研队伍、研发能力、科技成果、应用服务等方面总结了农业遥感发展现状。【结果】 现阶段黄淮海农业遥感发展虽取得了一定成效,但在技术研发、科研平台建设和产业应用等方面仍存在不少亟待解决的问题。【结论】 提出强化区域农业遥感技术研究方向、构建黄淮海农业遥感基础数据库、建设农业遥感信息服务平台、拓宽农业遥感应用等发展思路与建议,以期推动黄淮海地区农业遥感的快速发展。
关键词:  农业遥感  黄淮海  研究进展  发展现状
Exploration of the current situation and thinking of agricultural remote sensing development in the Huang-Huai-Hai region
Wang Laigang1, Zeng Kai1, Li Wenjuan2, Guo Yan1, Cheng Yongzheng1, Liu Ting1, He Jia1, Zhang Yan1, Wei Panpan1
1.Institute of Agricultural Information Technology,Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Zhengzhou 450002,Henan,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/ Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
【Purpose】 Huang-Huai-Hai region is an important base of grain production in China. It is of great significance to develop the research and application of agricultural remote sensing to serve the national food security.【Method】 Through research and literature review,the progress of agricultural remote sensing research in the Huang-Huai-Hai region was analyzed in detail,and the current development status of agricultural remote sensing in the region was summarized from the aspects of research teams,research and development capabilities,research achievements,and application services.【Result】 At present,although certain achievements had been made in the development of agricultural remote sensing,there were still many urgent problems to be solved in technology research and development,scientific research platform construction,and industrial application.【Conclusion】 Development ideas and suggestions are proposed such as strengthening the development direction of regional agricultural remote sensing technology,constructing a basic database of agricultural remote sensing in the Huang-Huai-Hai region,constructing an agricultural remote sensing information service platform,expanding the application of agricultural remote sensing,and strengthening the discipline group of agricultural remote sensing,in order to promote the rapid development of agricultural remote sensing in the Huang-Huai-Hai region.
Key words:  agricultural remote sensing  Huang-Huai-Hai region  research progress  development status