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1.贵州商学院旅游管理学院,贵阳 550014;2.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081;3.贵州商学院管理学院,贵阳 550014
【目的】 探明乡村旅游数字化发展现状,找准制约其现阶段发展的主要问题,对助力旅游高质量发展建设具有重要意义。【方法】 文章对贵州省乡村旅游数字化转型案例进行调研,分析乡村旅游数字化转型实践,探讨当前面临的现实困境及应对策略。【结果】 贵州乡村旅游的数字化转型实践中取得了数字基础设施持续改善,新技术应用场景不断丰富,数字营销矩阵逐步拓展,大数据洞察能力持续提升,数字经济新业态发展活跃等良好局面;但也面临着数字鸿沟有待弥合,从业者数字素养有待提升,数据壁垒有待打破,盈利瓶颈有待突破,发展质量有待提高等现实困境。【结论】 从加快乡村网络通信基础设施建设、加强乡村旅游数字化培训教育、推进乡村旅游数据资源整合共享、塑造乡村旅游数字化运作商业模式、扩大优质内容产能和新技术应用场景等五方面提出详细的应对举措,以推动乡村旅游数字化转型。
关键词:  乡村旅游  数字化转型  实践  困境  贵州省
基金项目:2023年贵州省高校人文社会科学研究项目 “贵州农业特色产业和乡村旅游融合发展策略研究”(2023GZGXRW161);贵州省普通高等学校青年科技人才成长项目“基于POI数据的贵州乡村旅游空间集聚与驱动机制研究”(黔教合KY字[2022]320号)
Digital transformation,challenges and strategies in rural tourism in Guizhou Province
Xiang Yan1, Li Junjie2, Hou Yanlin3
1.School of Tourism Management,Guizhou University of Commerce,Guiyang 550014,Guizhou,China;2.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;3.School of Management,Guizhou University of Commerce,Guiyang 550014,Guizhou,China
[Purpose] Assessing rural tourism's digital transformation progress and identifying the barriers is important for the construction of high-quality tourism.[Method] This study explored the case of digital transformation of rural tourism in Guizhou Province,examined the practical applications,and addressed the current challenges and strategies to overcome them.[Result] In the practice of digital transformation of rural tourism in Guizhou,notable advancements included the continuous improvement of digital infrastructure,the enrichment of new technology application scenarios,the gradual expansion of the digital marketing matrix,the consistent enhancement of big data analysis capabilities,and the vigorous development of new forms of digital economy. However,challenges persisted,such as the need to bridge the digital divide,enhance the digital literacy of practitioners,break down data barriers,overcome profitability bottlenecks,and improve the quality of development.[Conclusion] The paper proposes detailed measures from five aspects:accelerating the construction of rural network communication infrastructure,strengthening digital training and education in rural tourism,promoting the integration and sharing of rural tourism data resources,designing business models for digital operations in rural tourism,and expanding the capacity for quality content and new technology application scenarios. These measures aim to propel the digital transformation of rural tourism in Guizhou.
Key words:  rural tourism  digital transformation  practices  challenges  Guizhou Province