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1.华中师范大学地理过程分析与模拟湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430079;2.华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院, 湖北武汉 430079
【目的】 研究土地利用景观格局动态变化规律对潜江市土地资源合理配置与利用具有重要意义,可为潜江市区域可持续发展提供重要参考。【方法】 文章基于2016年、2018年和2020年潜江市3期土地利用数据,运用ArcGIS和Fragstats等软件,采用土地转移矩阵、土地利用动态度和景观指数分析等方法,分析了2016—2020年潜江市土地利用及景观格局动态变化。【结果】 (1)在土地利用结构方面,潜江市的土地利用以水田、稻虾田和旱地为主。其中旱地面积持续减少,而稻虾田、林地和建设用地面积不断增加。整体土地利用变化主要表现为水域与水田转化为稻虾田,水田与旱地间相互转化。2016—2020年土地利用类型面积变化率绝对值由大到小:稻虾田>林地>水域>旱地>水田>建设用地。(2)潜江市土地利用动态度持续下降,综合土地利用动态度为5.59%。(3)在景观格局变化方面,类别级别分析表明,水田和旱地的破碎化程度增大,而稻虾田破碎化程度降低,水田的聚合程度持续降低。景观级别分析显示,潜江市景观格局复杂性增加,聚集程度减弱,连通性变差;破碎化程度加剧,中小型斑块数量增加,异质性增强。【结论】 2016—2020年潜江市整体土地利用变化大,地类之间相互转化剧烈。土地利用景观类型趋向均衡化和多样化,但整体景观破碎化加剧。研究结果对未来的土地利用结构优化和土地资源的合理利用具有参考意义,可为潜江市后续国土空间规划与可持续发展提供参考。
关键词:  潜江市  土地利用  景观格局  景观指数  动态变化
Dynamic analysis of land use landscape patterns in Qianjiang City
Yu Lei1,2, Shi Lei1,2, Bao Yun1,2, He Xu1,2, Wang Xiaotong1,2, Hu Bo1,2
1.Key Laboratory for Geographical Process Analysis & Simulation of Hubei Province,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,Hubei,China;2.College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,Hubei,China
Purpose Investigating the dynamic changes in the landscape pattern of land use is of great significance for the rational allocation and utilization of land resources in Qianjiang City. This article provides crucial references for the regional sustainable development of Qianjiang City.Method This study was based on land use data from three periods in 2016,2018,and 2020 of Qianjiang City. Software tools such as ArcGIS and Fragstats were utilized to analyze the dynamics of land use and landscape patterns from 2016 to 2020 through methods like land transition matrix,land use dynamic degree,and landscape index analysis.Result (1)In terms of land use structure,the predominant land uses in Qianjiang City were paddy fields,rice-crayfish fields,and dry land. There was a continuous decrease in the area of dry land,while the areas of rice-crayfish fields,forest,and construction land increased. The overall change in land use was mainly characterized by the transformation of water bodies and paddy fields into rice-crayfish fields,as well as the mutual conversion between paddy fields and dry land. From 2016 to 2020,the absolute values of the rates of change in land use type areas from highest to lowest were:rice-crayfish fields > forest > water > dry land > paddy fields > construction land. (2)The dynamic degree of land use in Qianjiang City continued to decline,with a comprehensive dynamic degree of land use of 5.59%. (3)In terms of landscape pattern changes,the class-level analysis showed that the fragmentation of paddy fields and dry land increased,while the fragmentation of rice-crayfish fields decreased,and the aggregation level of paddy fields continually declined. The landscape-level analysis indicated that the complexity of the landscape pattern in Qianjiang City increased,with decreased aggregation,reduced connectivity,intensified fragmentation,an increase in the number of small and medium patches,and enhanced heterogeneity.Conclusion From 2016 to 2020,there are significant changes in the overall land use of Qianjiang City,with intense mutual transformations between land classes. The land use landscape types tend towards balance and diversification,but the overall landscape fragmentation is intensified. The findings are significant for future optimization of land use structure and rational utilization of land resources,and providing references for subsequent territorial spatial planning and sustainable development in Qianjiang City.
Key words:  Qianjiang City  land use  landscape pattern  landscape index  dynamic change